Ziauddin Board Matric Date Sheet 2025
The students who are affiliated with the Ziauddin Board and waiting for their date sheet of Matric can get it right now. In this way, the Ziauddin Board Matric Date Sheet 2025 9th 10th Class is available online. So, the students who are registering with the Ziauddin board can get their Matric date sheet from the official website. They can get their date sheet from this page. In this way, they can get the date sheet links that we are providing in the below section. However, we are providing some additional information about the date sheet of this board for students. So, students can also read the information about this board notification.
The board is providing the date sheet with the new date which is coming from 11 August of this year. In this way, the reason behind the deletion is the next wave of COVID pandemic in our country. So, the notification from the government was to avoid each other due to the pandemic. Therefore, the Ziauddin Board was not able to take exams from the students due to the critical condition of the country. In this way, the board decided to extend the date of the exams. So, the exams are going to be held this month for matric part one and part two. That’s why students can get their date sheets from this place.
Ziauddin Board Matric Date Sheet 2025 9th 10th Class
- Download the 9th class Date sheet
Download the 10th class Date sheet - Ziauddin Board Matric Result 2025
The students as we above mention that they can download their matric date sheet from this place. In this way, links to both parts are mentioned in the below section. So, the students of metric who are registering with the Ziauddin board can download the form below. The students can click on the above links that have booth class date sheets. In this way, students will reach the specific page of the official website that covers the date sheet for students.
Ziauddin Board 10th Class Date Sheet 2025
So, they will be able to get their class-wise date sheet from the official website. However, the date sheet is available for both groups of metrics. In this way, the matric science group date sheet is also available for both classes. The General Science or Arts group date sheet is also available for the students. So, they can get respect for their class and group date sheet from the links. For further queries, students can discuss them in the comments section.