
Women Education in Pakistan Barriers Rights and Ratio

If you are looking for Women Education in Pakistan Barriers Rights and Ratio then here right page. Taliban are against women’s education therefore they try to destruct the schools and colleges of women. Numerous schools in Pakistan are destroyed by militants. The first reason is poverty due to which parents cannot send their children to school. Secondly, there is also a misconception that females merely have to manage a home after being married whereas males have to earn so education matters only for males but not for females. Thirdly, we have observed that traditionally, women are considered as the asset of males of the family.

An educated woman is aware of the part she has to play in the growth of the nation. She understands her responsibilities towards herself, her family, and her country. Women cannot become good citizens if they are uneducated. Moreover, they pass on their education to their children. There is a famous quote about women’s education is that” When you educate a man you educate an individual when you educate a woman you educate a whole family.” Therefore education for women cannot be neglected.

Women Education in Pakistan

The education of women allows them to participate in politics so that they can play their role for the nation. Education in women builds a sense of self-esteem in her. Women become mature and resourceful with education. She can help the family by getting into some employment. When education is so necessary for women, more girls’ schools, colleges, and universities should be opened for them. There are many who are to stay at home. To them, more useful subjects such as nursing, domestic sciences, embroidery, and many other subjects should be taught. We cannot confine women to certain fields because choice only depends on them.

Education is the basic right of women. Women have to play every role in society. Education is the universal right of every individual living in this world. Education for women is very important because women are the backbone of society. The woman is a part of this society and they have an equal right to get an education as a man. Educated women are conversant with their duties as a citizen of a state.

Women Education in Pakistan Barriers Rights and Ratio

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Women are an essential part of this society because this world cannot move on without women. A woman plays a role as a mother and a mother has a great influence on her child. An educated mother can serve her country in the sense that she produces good citizens with tolerant views and vast outlooks. Uneducated mothers are superstitious. They do not have elementary knowledge. Educated mothers will give the nation healthy, enlightened and decently brought up children. In this way, the future of nations depends on the education of women.

Women Education Ratio:

In Pakistan, the overall literacy rate is 55% which is not enough. Pakistan is ranked 113th among 120 countries regarding literacy rate. The literacy rate of females in Pakistan is at 39.6 percent compared to that of males at 67.7 percent. This literacy rate is not satisfactory for females in Pakistan. In Pakistan economic progress is not possible when 50 percent of human resources are uneducated. In Pakistan, the literacy rate for women gradually decreases at the secondary, college, and tertiary levels. The Government of Pakistan should raise the percentage of the budget allocated for education. If funds for women would increase the literacy rate will raise.

Barriers to women’s education in Pakistan:

Unfortunately, there are some barriers to women’s education in Pakistan. There are many causes of illiteracy for women in Pakistan. Girls/women have to face sociocultural hurdles to acquiring education. In Pakistan, some extremists add hurdles to the education of women. Destruction of schools and killings has harmed women’s education in Pakistan. 14-year-old education activist and blogger Malala Yousafzai were shot by the Taliban because she wanted to promote women’s education in Pakistan.

So these males are responsible for taking decisions for their lives. Fourthly, the social setup is a male-dominated one. Fifthly, the number of schools and colleges for females is very less. All these factors are hurdles to the education of women in Pakistan.  Government should pay attention to the education of women in Pakistan otherwise the literacy rate will not rise. Government should do efforts to increase the literacy rate of women in Pakistan.

Tahir Malik

I'm an Educational writer with a B.Ed degree having a passion for educating, and delivering my knowledge for the sake of students' growth.

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