When Will Be 1st Muharram 2025 Date in Pakistan
If you are here for the best result of When Will Be 1st Muharram 2025 Date in Pakistan then you come to the right place because here we will tell you about the Muharram 2025. This month is the first holy month that is considered the month of Sorrow for all Muslims. Muslims considered this month’s first ten-day as you e Ashura. The day of Ashura is commemorated by the Shi’a community and this is the day of mourning the death of Muslim great leaders Hazrat Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain. Muhammad’s grandson Shaheed at the battle of Karbala on 10 days of Muharram. In this post, everyone will know when will the first Moharram.
It is considered by the Sunni community as the day on which Muslims get relief from the Feron or the devils that hate Muslims. Many Muslims also fast on this day because they think that this is the day when Muslims get relief from the pain and that day is also the day when Allah blessed all His blessings on the Muslims.
So we all know this is the first month of the Holy Year but due to some showing of respect, People do not celebrate any kind of function or anything that is showing happiness. Most people prefer to wear black clothes in the Yom e Ashura days that show their sorrow and feeling and give tribute to the leaders of Muslims.
When Will Be 1st Muharram 2025 Date in Pakistan
1st Muharram Date: 19 July 2025
Most people also keep fasting on the 9 and 10 Moharram so we also advise you to fast on these two days because on these days Allah Almighty showers His countless blessing on the Muslims. Many people also divide some food items and drinking beverages type to the poor and also the passengers so that no one will feel thirsty feeling.
So, you can also make Sabeel of the beverages. Some people also think that it is so much Haram to celebrate any occasion in this month. We do have not a proper date that when will this Holy month starts when we get any type of information then we will mention it here. If anyone from you want to ask anything from us then they can comment in commenting section we will answer that soon.