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What to Do Before and During Your Microsoft Certbolt AZ-204 Exam

What to Do Before and During Your Microsoft Certbolt AZ-204 Exam. Are Practice Tests Necessary When Finalizing Your Prep? For every candidate, the exam day is the most vital as it is a moment of tension and a little stress. But this should not draw you away from remembering it as a day to display your potential, efforts, and the time spent while preparing. So, this post is to show you what to do just before you sit for the MicrosoftCertboltAZ-204 exam and possess the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate badge. It is also a way to find out if it is best to finalize your prep with practice tests. If you’re interested, let’s get started then.

What to Do Just before Your AZ-204 Assessment?

The further you have traveled in your prep, the more fantastic you should feel about it if, of course, you have been right about the strategies to apply in your prep. Also, being a couple of miles away from attaining your goal of passing Certbolt AZ-204 should give you immense pleasure. However, this can only be so if you know you have been using practice tests to supplement your prep process. So, imagine the assessment day is coming soon.

What things you should have done by then? Well, here’s the list:

  • Taking a few days off from work to help you get mentally ready;
  • Reviewing and polishing your knowledge and exam-taking skills with practice tests;
  • Ensuring sufficient sleep on the eve of AZ-204;
  • Taking a healthy and sufficient breakfast since this test will take 3 hours. On the contrary, you should avoid drinking a lot of water because continuous bio breaks can distract you;
  • Organizing all the items like your ID, pens, and pencils the night before the final test.

What to Do during AZ-204 Day?

On the day of taking the Microsoft Certbolt AZ-204 exam, there are also a number of certain things that you must stick to. Some of them are as follows:

  • Getting up and arriving at the testing center early enough. Also, ensure that you carry all the things you might need later;
  • When it is time for test Certbolt AZ-204, settle down, take a deep breath, and adopt a confident posture;
  • Once presented with the assessment paper, read through the rules and instructions first;
  • Note the time given and divide it among all the 40-60 questions to know how long each should take;
  • Study each question carefully and attentively;
  • When answering questions, you can navigate through them forwards and backwards if you wish to get the next or previous ones;
  • Avoid panicking when you see difficult tasks. Understand that it is normal for this to happen;
  • Jump the difficult AZ-204 questions and mark the answers for those you 100% know;
  • Once you reach the end of the assessment, come back to those tasks you skipped and mark their answers. The elimination method would be best in addressing them;
  • After finishing the whole paper, review your answers during the time remaining;
  • Once you have finished your test and the exam time is over, submit your answers, and wait to see your scores.


And that is it! We believe this post has been good in letting you know what to do just before and during the Microsoft Certbolt AZ-204 assessment. Read it closely to understand and apply all the points from it, which will help you gain the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate credential. May you realize success in AZ-204 with practice tests and those tips!

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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