
What Qualification is Required for Captain in PAK ARMY

The PAK ARMY is a noble organization with a number of very honest soldiers. In this way, there are different ranks according to the posts. So, it is also the basis of the qualification of the soldiers. Therefore, there are lots of Youngers asking What Qualification is Required for Captain in PAK Army Pakistan. However, reaching the Captain post in PAK ARMY is not much difficult. But there are different ways that help the candidates to reach the level of Captain in the Army. So, here the information is delivering for those candidates who want to get the Captain post in Pak Army.

Basically, the students who clear their intermediate exams can apply for the post of the second lieutenant in the Pak Army. In this way, the scale of the 2nd lieutenant in the Army is BPS 17 with OF-1 at NATO equivalent. However, after studying in the academy of the Army the 2nd lieutenant becomes the Lieutenant. However, the pay scale remains the same but NATO equivalent becomes OF-2 in PAK Army. On the other hand, for reaching the post of Captain the candidate needs to provide the service’s minimum of 3 years in the field. After that, the candidate will promote to the rank of Captain on the behalf of the performance.

What Qualification is required for Captain in PAK ARMY

However, the candidates who want to get the post of Captain directly in Pak Army. The option is also available for those candidates to reach this Captain post directly. However, the qualification requirements and process for this post are available below.

Qualification requirement for Captain:

The candidates who apply through SSC Short Service Commission can become the Captain directly. In this way, the qualification requirement is a minimum master’s degree to apply for this position. However, the process of getting this post is also the basis of the tests and training period.

On the other hand, the candidates who have the degree of MBA are also eligible to apply for the Captain post in Pak Army. In fact, equivalent educations like MS or MSc degree holders are also eligible for this post.

Lastly, if you are interested to apply for this post and have an intermediate degree the first paragraph will apply to reach this post. In this way, the training period will involve as well as the performance. However, the second last section will apply for the candidates who have a master’s degree to for apply the Captain post. However, if you have further queries in your mind about the qualification requirement for this post ask any question here.

Zubair Asghar

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work even a single day in your life." I believe in this so I am just doing it.

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