Unique College Intermediate Admission 2025

On both boys’ and girls’ campuses, you can check Unique College Intermediate Admission 2025 Merit List and other details at this place. Basically, the institutes are inviting the passionate who want to study in FSc. GSC and ICS can go to the nearest campus and get an enrollment form for admission. Actually, there are four main campuses in Lahore for boys to get enrollment in these programs. However, the girl’s campuses are five that are located in the same destination but separate. In this way, you can reach the particular campus. In which you think to get your education for a bright future. So, the new session enrollment is going on and application forms are available at the official site. If you are dreaming to get enrollment in this organization, you can visit the official site via @www.unique.edu.pk and open the admission section.
However, when you will open the site, the pop-up will appear to ask you for enrollment online. So, you can click on it if you did not already apply for your first year. On the other hand, there are different disciplines that an organization offers to its aspirants for enrollment. In this way, you can select what you think is suitable for your future planning. Actually, there are three main disciplines in the shape of FSC, ICS, and ICOM in this institute. But if you think that you want to study at FA, you can apply in General Science to enroll in this program. However, the merit criteria basis on the obtained marks in Matric. In this way, if you got above 770 marks, the possibility is to get enrollment in FSC for the morning shift.
Unique College Intermediate Admission 2025
How to apply?
Similarly, if you have 700 marks or below, the organization will give you a second time or evening enrollment to study in FSC. Besides, the passion of ICS can get morning shift enrolment if they have 740 marks in their matriculation.
Unique College Lahore Admission 2025 Merit List Fees
But if below or up to 670 marks, they will get enrolled in Evening to continue their education in this well-known organization. However, the merit for the GSC is 720 for morning and 650 for evening enrollment. Now it is your own choice to get enroll in a particular course that you feel comfortable with. In fact, the Unique College also provides other merit criteria for business partners. So, you can see it on the official site. So, it also provides the opportunity for excellent students to get free education on a scholarship basis.
In this way, you can apply for it and get free education on the basis of your marks. For the proper enrollment in this organization, you need to provide Two passport-size photos, two result card copies, and one copy of Guardian CNIC. However, if you migrate from another city or board, you need to provide the NOC certificate for enrollment. Besides, if you want to know more, you can visit the site or comment for further queries.