UET Taxila MSC Admission 2025 Entry Test Result, Candidate List
There will be information about the University Of Engineering And Technology UET Taxila MSC admission 2025 entry test result and candidate list. You will be able to get this admission here all those who want to take admission here in MSC then have to read this entire article and get information about these admissions. That is available here that are provided here for your help. As all of you know the University Of Engineering and Technology Taxila is a branch of UET Lahore. The biggest oldest and number one engineering university in Pakistan. Every year there is a crowd of students who want to take admitted to the UET so it has opened its other branches like Kala shah Kaku and Taxila.
UET Taxila was established in 1975 and this engineering college worked under the supervision of UET Lahore till 1993 after that, this college gets recognition by the government of Punjab as a degree-awarding university. So all those candidates who want to do a Ph.D. below any engineering course can submit their application form by 10-06-2023 after this no application will be accepted in any case. There are different engineering faculties that are provided here by the officials.
UET Taxila MSC Admission 2025 Entry Test Result
In which there are faculty of electrical and electronics engineering faculty of telecom and information engineering. Faculty of industrial engineering and management sciences faculty of civil. Also, environmental engineering faculty of mechanical and aeronautical engineering faculty of basic sciences.
The written test is from 20-06-2023 to 22-06-2023 . These are the test dates that are hereby the officials. The interview is from 28 to 30-06-2023 display of selected candidates is 11-07-2023 last date of registration is 18-07-2023 . The start of 1st-semester classes will be from 19-07-2023 .
The application form can be downloaded from the official website of uettaxilla.edu.pk. The application form can also be getting from the office of administration. These all are the latest updates all of you have to keep visiting for getting all the latest updates. This will be really helpful and good for you all. Keep visiting for getting all the latest updates that will be announced by the officials.