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Teacher Role in Students Educational Success

Teachers are considered those people who build the base of a nation. Teachers are the real guides for the students. It is the teacher who makes a strong base of students in subjects like English, Mathematics, Computer Science and many other subjects. When the base of a student is strong then he can achieve his aims in a smooth way because he finds fewer difficulties as compared to those students with a weak base of learning.

If we take the example of yeast which has a key role in making bread rise, similarly a teacher-student relationship is the key ingredient to producing student achievement. A good teacher can motivate his students to make wise decisions.

A teacher plays a key role in the educational success of the students. Some teachers create subject interest in the students because of their effective method of teaching. A student only considers the advice of teachers when he develops a good interest in his subjects because of proper understanding. All this happens due to the serious efforts of the teacher because a good teacher makes his subject his passion in life.

Teacher Role in Students Educational Success

Teacher Role in Students Educational Success

So he becomes succeeded in achieving all the concentration of the students towards his subjects. And this interest of a student may help him for all his life. When the stage of choice of a career comes, a student chooses that subject which he enjoyed learning during his academic life. So it is one of the roles of a teacher in the education of students.

5 important roles of a teacher

The other role of a teacher is planning the right strategy for his subject. If a teacher makes the students learn his subject in an organized way. Take regular short tests and class assessments then the students find no difficulty in preparation for that subject before exams.

A teacher should be involved with every student and should solve their problems by discussing them with them. In our society, it is noticed that there is a lack of communication between a student and teacher. When this communication gap persists for the whole academic year then the student is not able to perform well in their exams. So a teacher should try to communicate with every student and note improvements in them. A good relationship between a student-teacher is the surety of the educational success of the student.

Thus we can conclude that teachers play an important role in the life of a student. By proper planning and wise teaching a teacher can make sure the success of his students. Books are there for the students but without teachers, a student cannot understand books nor gain educational success. Teachers are responsible for the success of a student.

Nosheen Fatima

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