
Sindh Muslim Law College Admission 2025 BA LLB, LLM

Here we will give you information about Sindh Muslim law college admission 2025 BA LLB LLM and form the last date. Candidates who have passed their intermediate graduation and master Sindh College offer admission every year after completion of each batch after every year. Students can download their registration form and can get admission online for having admission in Sindh Muslim College. You can also download the admission form from here and can get admission from this university. It has great value and importance among the best colleges in the province of Pakistan.

Sindh Muslim college is one of the best law colleges in all Pakistan and it was established for the welfare of the public and it was established on 28th June 1948. Law education is necessary for those students who want to get admission to this college. All of you just have to follow the criteria for getting admission to this institute.

Programs that are available here are

  • BA
  • LLB for five years
  • LLB for three years
  • LL COM for two years

Sindh Muslim SM Law College Admission 2025 Fees Merit Lists

  • Candidates who want to get admission in LLB 5 years should have FA and FSc completed.
  • Those candidates who have been passed their graduation in BA, BSc, and B com can apply for admission in LLB 3 year programs.
  • Those candidates who have been passed their LLB can apply for admission in LLM according to the schedule given by this university.
  • Candidates can apply online by downloading the admission form of this university then fill out this admission form and attach their educational documents degree or other degree programs with this. you have to apply before the closing date.
  • For further information keep visiting our page for getting information and will get their best information.



Here was information about Sindh Muslim Law college admission 2025 fees schedule and admission form online. You all should keep visiting our page for getting more information about this university. And other updates will be updated here as soon as officials will announce them. Hope you will like it a lot.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to studysolss for Students ease.

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