
Short Essay on Dengue Fever in Pakistan With Outline

Dengue fever is one of the major problems which Pakistan is facing nowadays. This is one of the most dangerous fevers not only in Pakistan. But also in all of Asia, a large number of people die every year. Here you will come to know about the Short essay on dengue fever in Pakistan with an Outline from this site. The reason behind the cause of this fever is the dengue virus which is transferred by the lady’s mosquito. This virus reached Pakistan in early 2025. And since then a large number of persons have died due to this fever.

Pakistan is one of the underdeveloped countries and there is a lake of latest technology and cure of diseases like dengue. In the early days, there were more than 300 hundred people who died due to dengue fever, and more than 14,000 were diagnosed with this disease.

Essay on dengue fever with Quotations

The major effect of this disease was in the Punjab province, especially Lahore city. When this disease was diagnosed in a large number of people, the government rushed for its solution and they set out the emergency to control this disease. They have worked hard to eliminate this disease from Pakistan and for this reason. They have spread sprays all across the country and started surveys on a daily. The weekly basis from the urban and rural areas of Pakistan.

Short Essay on Dengue Fever in Pakistan

essay on dengue in simple english

It is due to the struggle of our beloved government that we have controlled this disease in Pakistan. When this disease was diagnosed the government announced free treatment in all public hospitals. Moreover, many medical campuses were formed which has helped to eliminate this disease. Public awareness messages are spread through television channels and newspapers.

Today every single person has become aware of this disease and they have found the cure for this dangerous disease in Pakistan. The symptom of this fever is paining eyes, paining back, and fever. In this fever, the white cells of the human body decrease, and the amino system becomes weaker for the patient. Many people die in the world due to a lack of awareness of this disease. But Pakistan has not controlled this disease and it is only due to our beloved leaders. Who has taken really good steps for the dengue fever in Pakistan? Please stay tuned with us for further details about the dengue fever essay in Pakistan with an outline.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to studysolss for Students ease.

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