Merit List

Quaid E Azam University Merit List 2025

The students who apply for admission are looking at Quaid E Azam University Merit List 2025 Check Online from this place. The students can check the 1st merit list of Anthropology admission as well as Electronics and more from this page. So, continue to get the Master’s Program merit list according to your program department. In fact, the students of BS programs can also check their merit list with their roll number from Quaid E Azam University. Even the undergraduate faculty program admission merit list is also can be checked from the merit list section of the official website. So, to know about the process of checking the merit list as per your department and program, keep reading this article.

qau merit list 2025 1st, 2nd, 3rd Merit list

As the first merit list is going to announce after admission up to 16 November of this year. So, the candidates can check the first merit list of their respective departments. In this way, the Anthropology department 1st merit list, Archeology department 1st merit list as well Computer Science 1st merit list, and more are available on the QUA official page. So, the student can check their 1st merit list with ID Name as well as Quota basis. So, for the BS morning time merit list as well as evening time merit list, students can check here.

Quaid E Azam University Merit List 2025 Check Online

The students who apply for the admission of IT or BS computer science in the Quaid E Azam University can check the fee or dues details per semester. In this way, we are mentioning the Dues of the first semester according to the regular basis students as well as self-finance and hostel dues below.

  • Regular fee per semester: Rs. 74,960/- approximately
  • Self-Finance dues per semester: Rs. 115,520/-
  • Hostel dues per semester: Rs. 26,850/- approximately

So, the candidates will be able to fill the vacant seats according to the dues plans on a merit basis. So, after completing the process of admission the candidates can check their merit list from the merit list page with respect to their department. Actually, there are 28 departments for the students of undergraduate to study in their desired program.

How to check the Merit List of QAU Quaid E Azam University online?

The students can directly go to the official website of the master’s program merit list and check their department merit list according to their id or name.

However, the quick link for the students is here to reach directly on the final merit list page. So, check the 1st, 2nd and final merit list of QAU by clicking here. The students who apply for admission are looking at Quaid E Azam University Merit List 2025 Check Online from this place. The students can check the 1st merit list, 2nd merit list, 3rd merit list, and final merit list from here.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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