
Quaid e Azam Postgraduate Medical College Admissions 2025

If students want to know about the Quaid e Azam Postgraduate Medical College Admissions 2025. Then here is the right place. Ministry of Capital Administration and Development Quaid-i-Azam Medical College Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad has announced the Admission Notice for the Session 2025. Application on Prescribed forms is invited for admission in the following Postgraduate Courses 4-5 Years. It is Residency Program leading to level III qualifications viz MD/MS/MDS. It’s Affiliated with faculty of Medicine Quaid-i-Azam University.

And 3 years FCPS Training Candidates. They have already completed two-year basic training in general Medical/ Surgery will be considered for selection in Specially. It’s 2-year FCPS Training and 2 years M.Phil Program level LLB qualification. 2-year Postgraduate Medical Diplomas Level LLB qualification. 2 years fellowships (Burn Surgery) Level IV Qualification. Four years FCPS Training Level III Qualification Affiliated with College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Quaid e Azam Postgraduate Medical College Admissions 2025

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates must possess MBBS/BDS or Equivalent degree registered by PMDC.
  • Must possess one Years House job from a PMDC recognized Institution.
  • Permanent Valid registration with PMDC
  • Declared Successful NYS examination for the University programs.
  • Declared Successful in FCPS Part 1 examination for CPSP training programs.
  • In the case of Foreign candidates, Valid registration with the Medical Council of their Country of origin must be produced.


 Medicine & Allied

S. No. Subject Title
MD (Paediatric Medicine)
MD (Critical Care Medicine)
MD (Cardiology)
MD (Nephrology)
MD (Gastroenterology)
MD (General/Internal Medicine)
MD (Dermatology)
MD (Histopathology) (Subject to approval from PM&DC)
MD (Haematology) (Subject to approval from PM&DC)
MD (Microbiology) (Subject to approval from PM&DC)
MD (Chemical Pathology) (Subject to approval from PM&DC)

Surgery & Allied

S. No. Subject Title
MS (Paediatrics Surgery)
MS (E.N.T.)
MS (Accident & Emergency)
MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
MS (Neuro Surgery)
MS (Orthopaedics Surgery)
MS (Urology)
MS (General Surgery)
MS (Ophthalmology)
MS (Plastic Surgery)
MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery)
MDS (Paediatric Dentistry) (subject to approval from PM&DC)
MS (Burn Surgery) (subject to approval from PM&DC)
MS (Anaesthesiology) (subject to approval from PM&DC)

2 years M.Phil Program (affiliated with Faculty of Medicine, Quaid-i-Azam University)

  1. M.Phil Microbiology
  2. M.Phil Histopathology
  3. M.Phil Haematology
  4. M. Phil Chemical Pathology

For above after passing DCP/MCPS (Pathology)

Two-year Postgraduate Medical Diplomas (affiliated with Faculty of Medicine, Quaid-i-Azam University)

  1. Diploma in Child Health (DCH)
  2. Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP)
  3. Diploma in Gynae & Obstetrics (DGO)
  4. Diploma in Neonatal Medicine (DNM) (Subject to approval from PM&DC)
  5. Master in Critical Care Medicine (MCCM) (Subject to approval from PM&DC)

Four years FCPS-II Training (affiliated with College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan, Karachi

  1. Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  2. E.N.T.
  3. Ophthalmology
  4. Anaesthesiology
  5. General Surgery
  6. Paediatric Medicine
  7. General Medicine
  8. Psychiatry
  9. Radiology

Three years FCPS-II training. Candidates who have already obtained two-year basic training in General Medicine/Surgery will be considered for direct selection in the specialty.

  1. Neurology
  2. Neuro Surgery
  3. Orthopedic Surgery
  4. Pediatric Surgery
  5. Cardiology
  6. Urology
  7. Nephrology
  8. Pulmonology
  9. Dermatology
  10. Plastic Surgery

Two- years of FCPS-II Training (affiliated with College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan

  1. Rheumatology after passing FCPS (General Medicine).
  2. Neonatology after passing FCPS (Paediatric Medicine)
  3. Critical Care Medicine after passing FCPS (General Medicine)

Two- years MCPS Course (affiliated with College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan)

  1. Anaesthesiology
  2. Pulmonology
  3. Ophthalmology
  4. Dermatology
  5. Radiology


  1. Candidate must possess MBBS/BDS or equivalent degree registered by PMDC.
  2. Must possess a one-year house job in a recognized Institution.
  3. Preference shall be given to the candidates who have passed all professional examinations in the first attempt, with more than 60% marks.


MD/MS/MDS Degrees

  • The candidate must possess two years of professional standing including a one-year house job and one-year resident appointment in the concerned specialty and/or allied disciplines in a teaching hospital


  • One year experience obtained during or after a house job in a recognized Institution in the relevant specialty. For DNM, experience in Pediatric Medicine/ Neonatology will be preferred.

FCPS Part-II Training.

  • One year House Job in a recognized institution.       
  • Must have passed FCPS PART-I examination.
  • Must complete 02 years of mandatory training in General Surgery/General Medicine for specialties in which required.
  • For Rheumatology: Candidates who have passed FCPS (General Medicine) are eligible.
  • For Neonatology: Candidates who have passed FCPS (Paeds. Medicine) are eligible.

MCPS Training

  • One year experience in relevant specialty obtained during OR after house job in recognized Institution.


Application forms are available from the office of Quaid-i-Azam Postgraduate Medical College, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad and can be obtained on payment, bank draft or cheque will not be entertained in any case.

The following attested documents should be attached:

  • Domicile certificate
  • Matric, F.Sc, certificates.
  • MBBS degree with detail marks certificates of all professional examinations.
  • PMDC valid permanent registration certificate.
  • FCPS-I where applicable.
    • House Job certificates (Certified by both Consultant/Medical Superintendent of the hospital).
    • Experience Certificates (Certified by both Consultant/Medical Superintendent of the hospital).
    • Computerized National Identity Card.
    • Hepatitis-B vaccination certificate.


The selection of candidates will be made strictly on a merit basis.

  • Candidates who are Government Servants/serving in Autonomous bodies should apply through the proper channel.
  • Advance applications will not be considered in case their applications through the proper channel are not received before the interview.
  • Candidates shall submit an affidavit that they shall not leave training in between. The candidates who are already under training in other Institutions and registered with CPSP/University or have completed training at QPGMC shall not be entertained for another program in the same discipline.
  • Candidates shall be admitted in 1st year of residency programs.
  1. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for test/interview.
  2. Candidates who clear the entrance examination will be interviewed.
  3. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final.
  4. The last date for submission of application forms is 21-11-2023 till 02:00 PM.
  5. No. TA/DA will be paid for the interview/test.


Quaid-i-Azam Postgraduate Medical College, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad is affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad for the award of degrees/diplomas and is recognized by the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan, for training and recognized teaching Institute of  Pakistan Medical & Dental Council since 1989.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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