Punjab university M Phil Admission 2025 Form Last Date
Punjab University (PU) has been announced admission in 2025 for the M.Phil program which that declared in the month of January 2025 and all the interested, motivated talented and intelligent students which are going to take admission in this affiliated university for their better future. All the interested students must have to follow all instructions. We are updating you here about the admission form, fee structure, and last date of submission of your admission forms all detail you can find on this page. All students must have to submit their admission forms before the last date your admission forms are not accepted after the late date.
As soon as students have to start taking admission in the Master of Philosophy (M Phil) before you have been late. If any issue or difficulty in taking admission or anything you can’t understand here below we giving the official website of Punjab University Lahore where you can obtain all details regarding admission, entry test, last date, and also fee structure.
The Punjab University of Lahore is a very famous university. Billion of students are taking admission every year private and regular students resisted themselves. It had built by the British government in 1882 it is the oldest and biggest university in Pakistan. Its campuses in Jhelum, Gujranwala, And Kanpur. Also now they are more hardworking in Kasur for the establishment of the new branch.
Punjab university M Phil Admission 2025 Form Last Date and Fees Structure
Punjab university is classified as the first university by the higher education commission (HEC) in 2025. Its imparts education in various programs and gives excellent education to its students. It is also giving excellent teacher training to their qualified teachers which teach very brilliantly to their students by coming on their level. PU is giving many facilities for their teachers and their students 30,000 students are getting education under this university. The Punjab University of Lahore has above 500 affiliated colleges, 4 campuses, 13 faculties, 10 constituent colleges. There are more than 63 centers, institutes, and departments in this university.
All the interested students who want to take admission for the M.Phil program in Punjab University Lahore. You must have a master’s degree / 16 years of education from any well-reputed institute recognized by HEC. You can get the admission form/prospectus from the admission office of PU after payment of Rs.300/-. Applications form along with all required educational certificates. Then sent to the admission office latest date January 30th, 2025 . Here below mention all dates & times of entry test and admission forms.