
Punjab Government Scholarship Rate

Appreciating the move regarding free education through Punjab Government Endowment Fund, the students as well as their parents have appealed to the chief minister to enhance the amount, as the current amount was insufficient to meet the expenses of monthly fees. The Punjab government announced a stipend from the endowment fund for school and college students, who achieve at least 60 percent and above marks in the board exams. The government provides Rs300 to school students and Rs1,000 to college students, who fall under the criteria. Sources in educational institutions told β€˜The News that a large number of school and college students are reaping the benefits of this stipend scheme all over Punjab.

The spokesman for the executive director of Education, Rawalpindi confirmed the report saying that it is a good step by the Punjab government taken for the students, who show good results in exams.

Punjab Government Scholarship Rate

However, a number of students studying in educational institutions in Rawalpindi as well as their parents, on condition of anonymity appealed to the chief minister to increase the stipend amount particularly for the school students from Rs300 to Rs800 per month. They said that the present amount of Rs300 was insufficient for them to bear the monthly fees of government schools. Whereas, the fees in private educational institutions are more than Rs1,000 per month excluding syllabus.

The spokesman reacting over the demand made by students and their parents remarked that it depends upon Punjab government to increase the amount.

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