388 Written Test Result 2025
The result of PTS 388 is available nowhere on this site in the below link. So, the 388 Written Test Result 2025 Check Online from this place. In fact, all those candidates who apply for Police constable, Lady Police Constable, and Driver Constable are now informed about their results. However, the result announces under Pakistan Testing Service is now available here, check your result online here. The wait is over for the candidates as the complete list of fortunate candidates is available on the site. Pakistan testing service is the official testing partner of the Sindh police. This is the duty of the Pakistan testing service to recruit new blood to the Sindh police on a merit basis. In February Pakistan Testing Service announced the vacancies in Sindh police and conducted the test against applications.
Now after the wait Pakistan Testing Service finally break the ice by announcing the results. In the Hyderabad region, there are 17 districts in which 1700 constables, lady police constables, and driver constables announce to hired. Under advertisement 388 the test was conducted in March and now the result announces by the PTS. The top talented candidates’ ranking is available on the result sheet. 388 Written Test Result 2025 By CNIC
How to check the result:
There are many candidates who feel reluctant in checking results online but there is no mystery in checking online. For online results click on the below link, enter your CNIC number without dashes, select department and click on search. However, there are two main ways to check the result one is by roll number and the other is by CNIC number. The talented candidates whose names are on the list are passed on to the next procedure. If you want to take a physical copy or result press ctrl + p and take print in hard form.
About Pakistan Testing Service:
Pakistan Testing service is one of the reputed institutes responsible for hiring on behalf of the Sindh police. Pakistan testing services believe in merit as the slogan is “Promoting Merit with Integrity”. The list of results is final and purely on a merit basis as the Pakistan Testing service promotes talent with integrity. For this purpose Pakistan Testing Service sets the criteria of 50% marks to qualify for the test.
But the criteria may change according to the post nature, it may different for job and education institutes. In each test, the marks are divided on basis of post-nature. In case there are two vacant seats but applicants are 2000 this is obvious the merit and criteria will be high and vice versa.