Prime Minister PM Youth Loan Scheme 2025
The great opportunity for youngsters is open to start your business. In this case, the Prime Minister PM Youth Loan Scheme 2025 opens the doors to starting a new business. In this case, the criteria available is here in which the passion to start their personal business. From the minister of Pakistan, it is a great step to give loans in three criteria Tier-1 as well as two and three. In this case, the youth can get 0.5 million with zero percent markup in Tier One. So, the scheme is linked with commercial, Islamic, and SME banks.
In this case, youngsters from the age of 21 to 45 can apply for it. In this case, we are covering the criteria as well as other necessary instructions that you need to know before going to apply. It will help to save you time if you are not eligible for this scheme. On the other hand, the procedure of submitting the form as well as tracing it at the official site is available in the below section. So, you can drag it and see the method to submit your form and get a loan as per your need.
PMYB and ALS Application Form
To apply for the program to get a loan, you can submit the documents and required details in the form. In this case, you can move to for the Agricultural machinery financing. In this case, you need to provide the NIC and fill the all necessary fields at the official site. In this case, if you do not get a notification after the submission of the form, you can mention the issue in the citizen portal App. You will get the proper instructions that will help to figure out and go accordingly. However, if you want to start some other business, the scheme also provides an interest-free loan to take the initiative.
Prime Minister PM Youth Loan Scheme 2025
Prime Minister Qarz E Hasna Scheme
Who can apply for Loan?
This opportunity is only for the resident of Pakistanis in which the government employees can not apply for this scheme. Besides, the other gender with no limit of educational requirements can apply for this scheme.
Besides, if you face any sort of issue during the action to take the initiative, you can mention it in the below section. We will guide you as per your issue and will deliver the appropriate way of solution. So, you will be able to complete the steps to fulfill the procedure and get a loan to start your business.
- HelpLine: 0800-77000
- SMS: 80028
- Organization: Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
How to Apply for PM’s Youth Business Loan?
- Take a step to reach the official site via
- Select the criteria to which you want to apply ( there are two options for Agricultural Financing and Youth Business)
- You can select which you want to apply.
- Pick the Tier in which you want to get a loan as per your requirements.
- Enter the CNIC number and the Issue date of your CNIC number.
- Select the Tier then enter to proceed further.
- There is a list of Banks in which you will get the loan after showing the number of application forms.
- Tire1 has zero markups but the Tire2 has a 5% markup of 1.5 million rupees.
- If you want to get more than 1.5 million to 7.5 million loans, the markup is 7 percent.
- After submitting the form, trace your application.
- To trace the application, you need to provide the CNIC number and issue date, DOB, and mobile number.
- You can also calculate the duration as well as the amount in which you apply for the collection.