
pecongress org pk Scholarship 2025 Online Results

Congratulations the Result of PECongress ORG PK for the year 2025 is now available on the website for every student. So, the Pecongress org pk Scholarship 2025 Online Results can be check from here. All those students who apply for this scholarship are welcome to the website to check either they are selected for this scholarship or not. 100 most fortunate students out of listed engineering universities are now able to have their results online. This scholarship is mainly to support the engineering students in terms of cash and other facilities. Now the additional 150 scholarships are for talented students to support them in their educational careers. This scholarship is purely for engineering students in most engineering universities all over Pakistan.

This scholarship is for those students only who successfully manage to secure 70% or above marks in the case of the annual system. Also, the students who manage to secure 3 or more CGPA out of 4 are only able to get this scholarship. However, this scholarship is for an Undergraduate degree with PKR 4000/-per month and for MS students it is PKR 6000/- per month. So we are supporting the students by providing them the actual results announcing by the engineering Congress for the year 2025. However, students must know about the selection criteria to make them hope for their selection. To become eligible for this post

Pecongress org pk Scholarship 2025 Online Results

Students must enroll in any engineering university in any engineering discipline. In fact, they must submit the hard copy to the engineering congress. The CGPA or the percentage of the students must be more than 75% along with complete and correct information about the degree, university, and other required information. Any application with false information or any document wrongly attached is not acceptable so be careful while applying. Only those students who apply by following all these instructions are only eligible for selection.

Pakistan Engineering Congress only believes in merit and transparency. So all the students are selecting on the basis of merit and transparency. Management selects only those students who fulfill all the conditions announced by the Engineering Congress. Only BS and MS students are eligible for the scholarship only after critically screening of students. Anyhow the result is announced by the PE Congress and we are providing the list of all selected students. So check the results by using the below link. Keep visiting the site for all new updates.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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