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Paper Pattern of 1st Year English Punjab Board 2025

Many aspirants are unaware of the Paper Pattern of 1st Year English Punjab Board 2025. We’re going over it here in order to talk about books one and three. Individuals will, in reality, receive information on the other marking distribution. As a result, you will simply obtain the necessary data that will assist you in learning about the procedure. If you are new, you can explore it and discover the patterns of different subjects for your studies. Actually, the pattern is beneficial to both teachers and pupils. In this scenario, management delivers it to create a method for how they should follow the book to earn good grades.

Essentially, the subject of English has two books that include grammar and other areas. As a result, it is critical to choose when to begin studying and when to finish strong. First and foremost, the main and initial part of the paper is objective, in which you will see 20 MCQs to complete your paper. Second, the part will begin with the subjective, which will be covered by the remaining marks, which will include book one, three, and other things. According to the pattern, the paper will address these questions. So, in terms of the purpose, the table below covers the marks in order of all factors.

Paper Pattern of 1st Year English Punjab Board 2025

Book-I 5 Synonyms + 3 MCQs = 8
Book-III(plays) 3 Synonyms + 2 MCQs = 5
Book-III(poems) 2 Synonyms = 2
Choose the Correct form of Verb 5 MCQs

However, if we take a move to the subjective, it is holding the short questions part consisting of 2 to 4. Each question has different parts like 9 in the second, 8 in the third, and 6 in the forth. So, we make it easy by putting it on the table for you. So, you can determine how you will start your concoct to get excellent results by doing all questions. Let’s see it in the table that we made for you in this area.

Paper Pattern of 1st Year English

English Short questions Marks
Book-I 9 SQ (aim any 6) 6*2=12
Book-III(plays) 8 SQ (aim any 5) 5*2=10
Book-III (Poems) 6 SQ (aim any 4) 4*2=8

The above is the distribution that you can follow and collect the marks in your final. It is important to cover all chapters in order to gain excellence. But if you will focus on a few ones, you may face issues with not being able to aim all. Therefore, make sure to cover all and receive a high result by doing your best. Similarly, there are some important chapters that you can enter and collect according to the outcome. So, when you will explore it, you will find valuable data regarding the helping sources.

Paper pattern of 1st year english punjab board 2025 pdf

  • Q5: Letter/Applications; There is a choice to aim any of these two things. So, the marks will be 10 if you did your best on the paper.
  • Q6: Stories; Write a story on Any of the two given morals/ titles. It also has 10 marks on the paper.
  • Q7(A): Explanation of Stanza; You need to explain the stanza that will come in the paper from the poem section. The marks of this question are 5.
  • Q7(B): Punctuation; Punctuate the paragraph that will come from the first book of your syllabus. It has 5 marks that you can get easily.
  • Q7(C): Pairs of Words; Use any five out of 7 pairs of words and make their sentences to get five marks in your paper.
  • Q8: Translation; Translate the English paragraph that comes from book one. You need to convert it into Urdu which is holding 15 marks in the paper.
  • For English medium aspirants, there is an essay on a specific topic to write if they don’t want to translate the above paragraph.

The above is the complete pattern of the subject of English for individuals who are studying in the first year. In this case, you can also explore this panel and get additional details about past papers as well as other records. So, it will help to see the valuable data regarding your study.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to studysolss for Students ease.

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