
Education System in Pakistan Problems and Solutions

If you are looking for the Education System in Pakistan Problems and Solutions then you are in the right place. It is the right of every student between 5-16 years, that he/she should serve with free and compulsory education to enhance literacy. It is also mentioned in the constitution of Pakistan. There are more than 2 lac institutes present in Pakistan which are providing education to students. There 69% of institutes are working under the supervision of the government while the rest 31% are working privately. 2 lac institutes are enough to educate Pakistani students aged between 5 years to 16 years but due to negligence of the government, most of the children are unable to get even compulsory education.

It is due to a lack of education and awareness that the maximum number of students do not attend school. Pakistan has lagged behind in the achievement of MDGs of education due to the problems in this educational system. There are many major problems faced by Pakistan’s educational system which are listed below.

Education System in Pakistan Problems and Solutions

Education System in Pakistan Problems

1: Lack of Planning:

Pakistan wants to educate the children but due to poor planning or lack of planning Pakistan is unable to achieve goals. It needs to do proper planning and implement those plans to achieve its desire goals.

2: Gender Gap:

The biggest problem that is faced by Pakistan’s educational system is that there is a huge gender gap. Most girls are not sent to their schools due to poverty, illiteracy, or due to old customs. The female literacy rate is much lower than the male. Those girls who were sent to their schools never completed their studies due to marriage or any other reason. This gender gap has to be abolished as soon as possible to make the education system in Pakistan better than before.

3: Educational Cost:

Pakistan is an under-developed country therefore it invests only a minor part of its GDP on education. Due to this, Private educational institutes are established which are providing costly education to students. Most of the students are unable to pay their dues so therefore they never attend universities and colleges.

The government should invest enough part of its GDP in education so the maximum number of students can get an education. Moreover, the government should restrict private educational institutions from charging heavy fees to students. There are many other major and minor problems that have been faced by the education system in Pakistan which are not listed on this site but they also have to be solved as soon as possible.

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