
Painting Short Courses in Lahore

Painting is one of the raising hobbies in Lahore these days. This is the age of social media which is a tool to explore your skills and talent. Many people inspiring by the new talent and are pushing their selves to be creative. So, the Painting Short Courses in Lahore are going on. In this way, we are listing some important courses about this field. Actually, painting is one of the creative activity and busy activities. In fact, it is a sign of peace. In the past, in recent years painting is promoted at the national level with the govt. involvement in it. To fill the colors in the life of people and to support the culture many companies decides to make paintings on the free walls. This campaign also supports by govt. and many artists are busy making paintings.

Obviously, this is an art and is not easy to learn without knowing the technical points. From all over the world many institutes are providing coaching facilities. Hence the Lahore is the city of explorations and chances so there are many institutes providing coaching facilities. In Lahore, there is a number of institutions providing coaching services in Painting. You can learn either short courses or a complete degree in painting.

Painting Short Courses in Lahore / Free short courses in Lahore

National College of Arts is one of the most famous institutes in Lahore for painting. Although the PNY Training Institute is one of the best institutions in Lahore to teach painting. These top institutes offer part-time and full short courses in painting and fine arts. You can start a short course from one month to one year for professional painting on a regular or weekend basis.

  • Painting is of various types which you should know before starting painting course to work on the exact skill. However, the followings are the 11 different types of painting:
  • Oil painting is one of the long drying processes as Color pigments are suspending into oil for this painting.
  • Acrylic paints take less time to dry and are non-toxic and cost-effective.
  • Watercolors are reusable as the pigment suspends in water and is again useable even after it dries.
  • Gouache painting is often water-resistant but it can re- wetted is once it becomes dry.
  • Pastel is also known as dry painting because of its lack of dry time.
  • Encaustic is one of the typical and heavy methods of painting because in this style painting pigment melts and spread on the wood board.
  • Fresco is mostly useable for wall decoration and ceiling decoration as pigments apply on the wet layer of plaster.
  • Spray paints are a new technique of painting as is becoming the most useable technique in which color cylinders uses for painting.
  • Ink Wash painting is one of the common because different inks are using by brushes to spread over other ink.
  • Tempera is the oldest form in which the pigments are grinding into a blinder and then apply on a painting board.
  • Enamel is mostly used for signing and it is toxic so we should use it carefully.

So, you can choose any type of painting to start your course. However, if you have any additional queries about the painting short courses then feel free to put your question below.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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