OGDCL Internship Merit List 2025
The candidates who apply for the Oil & Gas Development Company Limited and appear in the NTS test are waiting for their results. Now, they are able to get OGDCL Internship Merit List 2025 NTS Check Online from this place. Basically, the NTS is providing the result of OGDCL on the official page. In this way, the candidates can check their online results with their CNIC number from the NTS website. The test conduction date was the 6th and 7th of this month. So, the result generally comes within one week or two weeks. In this way, the results NTS test is available online for the candidates. Therefore, we are here to provide you with an alert about the result of the internship in OGDCL with a merit list. So, candidates can check the complete merit list by entering their CNIC numbers.
OGDCL NTS test Merit List 2025
Basically, the candidates who are looking for their online results for the internship in OGDCL can also check the merit list with their CNIC number. In this way, they can go to the NTS page for checking the eligible or rejected candidates by clicking here.
OGDCL Internship Merit List 2025 NTS Check Online
The candidates can check their online results with answer keys using their CNIC number from the below link. So, they can check the merit list and answer keys with reference to the NTS website.
Actually, the seats are available under the corporate social responsibility CSR for the internship in OGDCL. In this way, the applications were invited from fresh graduate engineers for the one-year internship program. In this way, the candidates will go through the practical training process for developing their skills. This will lead them to get a good position in their field. Therefore, many candidates apply for this internship program and appear in the NTS test exam.
OGDCL Internship NTS test Result 2025
The National testing service of Pakistan has announced the online result of the candidates online. So, the candidates who want to start their internship and paper in the test exam of the NTS can check their test results online. So, the NTS is providing the result with a CNIC number for eligible candidates. In this way, the candidates can check their results by simply entering their CNIC numbers and verifying by entering the Captcha code.