Education News

Nursing Course After Matric in Pakistan

The students who are seeking for Nursing Course After Matric in Pakistan 2025 can get the information from here. Here we will provide the necessary information about the nursing course that students can do after the Matric exams. In this way, there are different organizations that are offering nursing courses for the students. However, the first organization is the Pakistan Nursing Council which offers the students the nursing course from this organization. So, the criteria of the course as well as the requirements are available here. The Pakistan Nursing Council is providing a diploma program of 2 years as well as 4 years in the organization.

Firstly, we are showing here some diploma programs that students are eligible for with matric qualifications for these programs. In this way, students can get admission to these programs after the matriculation in the Pakistan Nursing Council. So, the first program is Nurse Midwife which has a one-year duration in this Council for male students. However, the second program is Lady Health Visitors LHV with 2 2-year diploma in this organization. In this way, the students can apply for this Nursing program having 45 percent marks in Matric. In fact, the age limit for this course is a maximum of 35 years old in this council.

DIP Nursing Institutions in Pakistan

The next course is the Family Welfare Workers FWW 2 2-year diploma in this organization having eligibility for Matric qualification. The age limit is the same as the first one for the students in the organization. The course of certified nursing assistant CNAs having 2 2-year duration is available in Punjab Council.

Nursing Course After Matric in Lahore Karachi Faisalabad Islamabad

Nursing Course After Matric in Pakistan

The students of pre-medical as well as Matric science students can apply for this course. In fact, the students who pass their matric exams in arts subjects can also apply for this program. Lastly, the council is providing the master in nursing MSN program in the organization for the students having 2 2-year duration period.

Most importantly, the students can get admission to any institute that is recognized by the Pakistan Nursing Council. In this way, the notice for the students as well as parents is to check the status of the institute before admission. So, here is Boston International and Muhammadan College of Nursing in Lahore which is fake and blacklisted by the council. However, the students must check the affiliation of the colleges before admission to the nursing course. Lastly, if you have more questions in your mind feel free to comment below for the answer.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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