Nursing Admission in Pakistan 2025 Bcs, Mcs
If students want to abut the latest Nursing Admission in Pakistan 2025 Bcs, Mcs fee Courses colleges then here all information update. Nursing is a health care provider profession and it is a respectable profession. A nurse is like an angel for sick and suffering patients. Nursing is a suitable career especially for girls who want to start their career in the field of medical and More Nursing Admissions Here. Nursing is a courageous profession because a nurse has to see suffered people all the time. Many Universities and institutes offer nursing education to the students. In Pakistan, Nursing education is four years duration.
There are more than 200 public and private nursing schools running in Pakistan. Pakistan Nursing Council is a regulatory body that has the authority to give licenses to Nurses, Midwives, Lady Health Visitors (LHVs), and Nursing Auxiliaries to practice in Pakistan. Every nursing institute has its own hostel. This profession is internationally recognized and females take a keen interest in this profession.
Nurses have to work with doctors and medical specialists. They have so many responsibilities which include measuring blood pressure, heartbeat, dressing and bandaging the wounds, massaging the patient’s mussels, monitoring the process of blood supply, fixing drip, changing the bedsheet and patient’s dress, etc. Nurses also work in different wards of hospitals.
Trained nurses can also work privately. Every nurse must get herself registered within one year after completing a four-year course from the nursing school because of passing the nursing board examination. Only the registered nurses are offered jobs whether locally or abroad. The registration remains valid for five years and can be renewed accordingly. Nursing is a profession that requires many qualities such as scientific approach, decision-making skills, analytical skills, cooperative attitude, polite behavior, and many other qualities.
Different Programs in Nursing:
Many programs are offered in accredited Nursing institutions including these major programs:
- BScN 4 yrs Program
- Diploma in Midwifery
- The Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (3 years)
- Diploma in Post Basic Nursing
Eligibility Criteria to get BSc Nursing (4 years) Degree:
An applicant having a minimum qualification of HSSC-II (Intermediate) in Pre– Medical Group or an equivalent qualification acknowledgment by any BISE have entitlement to look for admission in the BSc Nursing program.
Whereas the R.N stands for Registered Nurse and B.S.N stands for Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Therefore, there are four nursing examination boards in Pakistan One nursing examination board is located in each province.
Nursing Institutes in Pakistan: Additionally, In Pakistan, there are many institutes that provide the degree of Nursing in Pakistan. Thus, the list of Institutes is available below which will provide admissions in the year 2025. Here are mentioned some of the institutes among so many institutes in Pakistan. Have a look at the list.
Nursing Admission in Pakistan 2025
- Aga Khan University
- Allama Iqbal Medical College Jinnah Hospital
- Baqai University
- Beachwood Inst. Of Nursing
- DOW University of Health Sciences
- FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry
- FMH Institute of Allied Health Sciences
- Ilmiya Institute of Nursing
- Islamic Mission Hospital
- Isra University
- Jamshoro College of Nursing
- Jinnah College of Nursing (SM Sohail Trust Bahudarabad)
- Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre (JPMC)
- Karachi King’s SON
- Khyber Medical University
- King Edward Medical University
- Liaqat National University
- Life-Saving SON
- New life CON
- Nishter CON
- NMC Institute of Nursing
- People SON LUMS
- PGCON Peshawar
- Royal CON
- Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing
- Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing
- School of Nursing & Midwifery Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
- Shifa College of Nursing
- St. James Hospital
- The University of Lahore
- University College of Medicine and Dentistry
- Zia ud Din University Hospital
Nursing Admission in Pakistan
Women also have bright opportunities in the field of nursing. Hence, the nursing profession provides great job opportunities abroad. Since middle East countries offer attractive nursing jobs opening for women. In short, women can help their families to fulfill their financial needs by adopting this profession. Additionally, Governments, as well as private hospitals, offer nursing jobs in Pakistan from time to time. In general, Nurses have job opportunities in various fields such as the Pharmaceutical industry, in the field of development, formulation, production. Also, marketing of new drugs for clinical use, Self Employment (Pharmacy Stores) Hospitals, investigations, Research Institutions, Drug control administration, Government departments, Universities, Armed forces, etc.