
Namal College Admissions Fall 2025 Entry Test Result

The Namal College Mianwali has announced the Admission for the session 2025 in the various programs So here we are providing you the Namal College Admissions Fall 2025 Entry Test procedure, Admission application forms download, and Eligibility Criteria, and entry test date results. The Namal College will intake students in two programs for the academic year 2025. Have a look at the admission policy and guidelines available for download on this page. From here you can also access the FAQs for admissions, download the deposit slip for application fees, and look at the syllabus and sample of the entry test. Please ensure you have read through the admission policy document thoroughly and checked your eligibility criteria for your program of interest. These are the programs offered mentioned below:-

  •  BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  •  BSc (Hons) Computer Science

The application deadline is the 30th May 2025 After the due dates admission application will not be considered and Applying procedure will be Online. Please note the following points BEFORE you apply:

If a student is applying for both the offered programs, priority must be specified in the admission form. An application processing fee of Rs. 1000 must be deposited BEFORE filling up the admission form. The details and Deposit Slips are available on-line. The application fee can be deposited in any branch of HBL. The application fees should be submitted via bank challan specifying the following information.

Namal College Admissions Fall 2025 Entry Test Result

         i.  Account Title: Namal College Mianwali
         ii. Branch: HBL PAF Colony Mianwali
         iii. A/C #: 12007900520503

The prospectus contains further information about admissions and fees structure and is available for download on this page as well. Once students are admitted, financial aid applications will be solicited. Financial aid application forms will be made available on this page, and applicants will ask to post the financial aid form along with supporting documents. The entry test will conduct in the following six test centers: Mianwali (Namal College), Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore, Quetta, and Karachi.

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The admission test will be of Multiple-Choice type, and will compose of the following sections:
  •  Mathematics and Analytical Reasoning
  •  English
There is as such no syllabus for Section 2 (English section) or for questions related to Analytical Reasoning in Section 1. The sample test serves as a guide, and applicants should try to practice similar questions. The questions related to mathematics in Section 1 will be from the following topics :


Number system real / complex / natural / whole numbers etc
Basic units scientific representation (micro, Milli, centi, kilo, etc)
Series (arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and binomial) Volumes, areas, and perimeters of basic shapes Ratios/percentages
Basic  Trigonometric identities and relationships Sets and function
properties Permutation, combination, probability Laws of logarithms and exponential Laws/theorems of geometry, analytic geometry of two dimensions (lines, circles, parabolas, hyperbolas) Matrices and basic operations on matrices Vector algebra
Inequalities algebraic formulas, basic logic/truth tables Solving set of simple algebraic equations Solving simple problems involving fractions Graph reading
Simple limit, differentiation, and integration problems/concepts

Tahir Malik

I'm an Educational writer with a B.Ed degree having a passion for educating, and delivering my knowledge for the sake of students' growth.

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