
My Last Day At College Essay For Class 12

There are many Essays for 12 grades at online places that students can learn for their final exam. In this way, we are providing the My last day at College Essay for class 12 in this post. Basically, the students prefer easy Essays to learn for their annual exams. But there are some students who focus on extraordinary Essays for their 12 grade. However, the thing is remembering the Essays for a long time. So, the best part is if you learn an easy essay, you will remember it for a long time. But, an Extraordinary Essay has its own features.

Sometimes, students learn short Essays for their annual exam but there is a drawback to short essays. If you forget some lines of a short essay, it makes no sense to get good marks. However, the long essay will help you to still get good marks in your English subject. Here we are going to mention the Essay about Last Day At College in this post. So, you can read this essay and remember it for your class 12 annual exam.

Happiness and sorrow are part of life. When we meet someone for the first time, we don’t have that much emotion. But after a while, many of our moments are connected to them. The same is true of our school and college life. At College, we have some seniors who are in classes older than us and some juniors who are in classes younger than us.

My Last Day At College Essay For Class 12 Outstanding with Quotations

So when we were in eleventh grade, we gave our seniors a goodbye party on their last day. It was a wonderful opportunity for us as well as a sad occasion for our seniors to be separated from us. But in order to move forward and achieve more, you have to endure separations. There are even many sacrifices to be made to succeed.

It was time to leave the college due to our class 12 papers. The same setup was arranged for us as we arrange for our seniors last year. There were lights and dining tables all around the college hall. On one side the stage was beautifully decorated. I was very happy to see this whole scene and at the same time, I was nervous.

Moments later, the farewell ceremony began. Eleventh graders greeted us warmly and presented us with various gifts. A few moments later, our principal appears on the stage and gives us some valuable advice for future life. After a short speech from our principal, we rush to the dining tables and enjoy delicious food. It was a great day of my life that I cannot forget for whole my life.

Dear students, it was a short essay that you can include in your notes for your preparation. However, if you want to learn Difficult Essays for 12 classes, you can visit the home page of this website. So, you will get valuable essays and stories about your class on this website.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to studysolss for Students ease.

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