Ministry of interprovincial Coordination Commonwealth Scholarship Program 2025

If you are looking for Ministry of interprovincial Coordination Commonwealth Scholarship Program 2025 than here is the right place. Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination has announced Cultural Exchange Program in 2025. In this progrmme s selected candidates goes to their prescribed countries for studying in their relevant fields. In this programme of scholarships candidates will also enjoying the facilities provided by the Sponsors countries like boarding, lodging, Monthly tuition fee. Monthly living allowance will also entered in this Programme . In order to these Scholarships, NTS holds the conduct of Eligibility Criteria.
NTS will held the Test Paper on 7 December on Sunday . By this Programme selected candidate have an opportunity to study abroad. This is an opportunity to the Students to study abroad and achieve the benefits of foreign studies. This will also helps in you in your Future.
Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination worked under the Prime Minister Of Pakistan Offices. The Ministry offered to desires candidate to study abroad . last date of submission is 11 November . Test will be held on 7th December.
Candidate who wants to Apply must have 16 Year of Education which means Masters and Ph.d Degree holders will be Apply in these Scholarship Programmers.
In this programe Various countries Provide Sponsorship like China, Turkey ,Romania ,Russia, Italy, Czech Republic , Greece, Slovak Republic,M exico ,Russia are Contributing there responsibilities.
Ministry of interprovincial Coordination Commonwealth Scholarship Program 2025 NTS Test Dates & Schedule Application Form
Terms & Condition.
1.Maximum age limit is 35 years on the closing date of applications.
2.Applicants having more than one second division in their academic career are not eligible to apply.
3.Attested copies of each supporting document (Matric to onward) including domicile certificate, must be sent with the application. The professional degree holders B.Sc Engg / MBBS, B.Sc(Hons) Agriculture should submit detailed marks certificate of each year.
4.The scholarships are awarded on merit determined on the basis of NTS Test score, observing Provincial/ Regional quota.
5.The candidates will have to take Language Course of the respective country (if applicable).
6.Students awaiting results are not eligible to apply.
Apply Criteria.
1.Application forms and online deposit slips are available on our website NTS.
2.Applications must be received by NTS not later than 11-11-.
3.NTS will not be responsible for late receipt of applications sent through post.
4.Please deposit online through the prescribed deposit slip in the online branches of ABL, UBL, MCB or HBL. Application form and online deposit slip are available on NTS website.
5.Candidates are required to send their applications to NTS Headquarters, Islamabad on prescribed forms along with online deposit slip (original).
For information please stay with our website to get more about the Cultural Exchange Programme 2025. We also Provide the latest news related to NTS result, Merit List and Others Information that you are Require. For others queries you can ask us because we feel proud to serve you.