Education News

List of Private Medical Colleges in Multan

According to different universities, the List of Private Medical Colleges in Multan is delivered by officials. Actually, there are multiple colleges disclosing the list on a private basis to select the individuals. In this regard, you can reach the respective college and get the outcome of your enrollment. However, the UHS as well as NMU are allocating the medical colleges to select the aspirants in Multan. In this way, if you apply for your medical program, you can move to the site and get the name in a particular program list. It will appear in the part of enrollment that will deliver the list for this year. So, you can explore that page and see your name if you are eligible for the selection.

Basically, the individuals who apply to MMDC can see the list of students. This college is offering MBBS as well as BDS programs for passionate individuals. In this regard, you can also go to apply for nursing or any other BS program. The institute is providing different programs for its aspirants. So, you can move to the site and get additional details regarding your course. This college is also putting the fee structure for the aspirants who apply for their study program.

List of Private Medical Colleges in Multan 2025

So, if you get a name in this college, you can explore the page of fee and submit your dues on time. In fact, you can also see the scheme that you will follow to complete your degree. On the other hand, the BAMDC is also showing the list of individuals. In this regard, you can move to the platform or to the management office.

List of Private Medical Colleges in Multan

College Names University Seats
1 Nishtar Medical College NMU 300
2 Bakhtawar Amin Medical & Dental College UHS MBBS: 100
BDS: 50
3 CMH Multan Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS) NUMS 150
4 Multan Medical & Dental College UHS MBBS: 150
BDS: 50
5 Institute of Dentistry, Nishtar Medical College NMU 55

They will provide your details in order to your enrollment. In fact, you can also see the list as well as their fee in order to MBBS and BDS. This college is showing the list of aspirants in order to different programs. However, their fee for the first year MBBS program is 15lac and almost similar to the BDS. In this way, if you apply for these programs, you can submit your dues before the closing date. On the other hand, there are some other private colleges that are inviting aspirants to provide them with medical education. You can put your respective college name to get the list online.

However, there are several colleges providing medical education through UHS for the selection of aspirants. You can reach the official site of this organization. In this way, you can mention the city name as well as your college name to get your list. But you can also put the institute name in the browser and get details according to your program. The platform will deliver the details in the shape of your course. You can also find the additional services of any specific institute. Every institute is covering online services for individuals. So, you can explore the site of the respective institute and get all the required details. However, if you have a query regarding the private college, you can mention it on this page.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to studysolss for Students ease.

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