
List of Government Medical Colleges in Peshawar KPK

Here we will provide a List Of Government Medical Colleges in Peshawar KPK cities. If you are a medical student and looking for the list of government medical colleges in Peshawar KPK then there is good news for you that you are in right place. The medical field is one of the top fields in Pakistan and there is a number of students appear for admissions in Medical colleges. Getting admission to medical college is not easy because there are a huge number of students but the colleges are limited therefore only a few people become able to get admissions in medical colleges. All the students of intermediate who have cleared their previous exams now looking for admissions in the best medical colleges in Peshawar KPK.

Peshawar is the capital of KPK province in Pakistan. This is a big city and there are also several medical colleges present in this well-reputed city but most of the people even don’t know about these colleges. If you are also one of those then you are in right place. Today I’m going to tell you about the List of Government Medical colleges as well as the private medical colleges in Peshawar KPK in which you can get admissions for MBBS BDS and many other medical fields of Pakistan. All the Medical Colleges in Peshawar KPK are listed below on this site.

List of Government Medical Colleges in Peshawar KPK

Government Medical Colleges in Peshawar

Medical Colleges in Peshawar KPK:

  • Ayyoub Medical College
  • Khyber Medical College
  • Saidu Medical College
  • Gomal Medical College
  • KUST Institute of Medical
  • Khyber Girls Medical College
  • Bacha Khan Medical College
  • Banu Medical College
  • Frontier Medical College
  • Women Medical College
  • Peshawar Medical College
  • Jinnah Medical College
  • Pak International Medical College
  • Rehman Medical College
  • Al Razi Medical College

This is the best site to know about the complete list of Government and private medical colleges in Peshawar KPK. These colleges are doing their best to educate the people of Pakistan for the future. These are the best colleges not only in KPK but also in Pakistan. So, which offers MBBS BDS and many other medical degree programs to the students. For more information about these medical colleges of Pakistan, their admission criteria, and other information about admissions, you can visit our site which will completely guide you to choose the best field as well as the best medical college in Peshawar KPK Pakistan.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to studysolss for Students ease.

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