Career Options

Law Careers in Pakistan Starting Salary Jobs Scope

Here you are going to get information about law careers in Pakistan starting salary jobs scope and subjects syllabus. So, LLB is a graduate program for the students. They are also getting immensely famous with the passage of time. So that is why here on this page we will discuss the complete information about the LLB in Pakistan. In fact, the course syllabus scope jobs admission eligibility criteria. This course is all about law studies.

It involves the person into such knowledge that brings him or her closer to the law and its enforcement studies. This program is offered on a 4 years basis to those students who have completed their 12 years of education program. This program also allows the students to carry out the training soon after the completion of studies that would further take the student to the level of LLM that is matter in law.

Law Careers in Pakistan Starting Salary

The career options for this LLB are available here for your help. Corporation law teacher’s civil law patent law international law criminal law labor law tax law advocates trustee law reporters solicitors legal advisor attorney general advocate general public prosecutor company secretary notary oath commissioner district and session judge magistrate sub magistrate. These all are career options that are available here for your help and we will give you this will be really helpful to you all.

Law Career in Pakistan Starting Salary Jobs Scope

However, the LLB employment areas for the students of LLB are judiciary banks sales tax, and excise departments. Educational institution newspapers news channels business houses private practice consultancies. Now we will give you the major subjects that are available here. For your help in which there are legal methods contracts. In fact, the political sciences jurisprudence code of civil procedure litigation advocacy.

All of you can apply for this course and you all can get information about this job that will give here for your help. And now we will keep you updating with all updates that are available here for your help. These all are the latest updates that are given here for your help and we will give you other updates that will be given here for your help now we will give other updates that will be available here for your help.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to studysolss for Students ease.

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