KPK Govt Online FIR Launched
In the KPK New government has started the work on KPK Development and Peace So, The new government of Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah KPK has been stressing a lot on reforming the Police, and even though PML was also stressing in Punjab but couldn’t do jack, KPK govt has taken steps in recent weeks that show that it is not merely lip service.
The KPK Police has announced the new method for FIR Submission (Registration) Online on the KPK Police Official Website which is launched by IGP Ihsan Ghani the last month. and KPK Police is working on it very fast it will be the fastest and easiest way to register your FIR in the Police Station and take a response very soon. It merits mention that IGP Ihsan Ghani launched the official police website last month.
KPK KP police have worked out Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) for the online FIR registration on its official police website. It is the Easiest way to FIR registration and this facility will be available on the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police website. The complainants will visit the police website and submit FIRs by filling out an online form.
KPK Govt Online FIR Launched
So you should open and click on the “Online” FIR Button which is provided on the left Menu Bar when you will click on that button then you will see a new window that will be provided the FIR Form Online So you should fill in the Form very carefully and then you should review again your form that you filled correct information if you put the correct information then you click on the Submit button then your FIR will be submitted and KPK Police Department will take action about it as soon as possible.
For Further Information, you should keep staying with us here on this page because here we will update you with more information when any new information will be launched. And if you have any queries about it or want to ask anything about it so you should comment us here in below comment section because here we will help you as we can.