Join Pakistan Army Female After Matric, FA/FSC, BA/BSC
Female is also the part of Pakistan Army so they are entire rights for join Pak Army after complete their best degrees like that FA, FSC (Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering), BA and BSC. Here we will be discussed some new latest rules and regulations about Join Pakistan Army Female After Matric, FA/FSC, BA/BSC, Intermediate, Graduation, Master, MBBS & MBA 2025-2023. Particularly parents are feels hesitation for their young girls or students to joining Pak Army and Air Force etc. But they should not worry about that because these educated females are the part of Pak Army.
Mostly Matric students of all Pakistan who have to appeared in the these degrees with great positions so then they all wants to join Pakistan army while they are not how know about joining Pakistan army after done their qualification matric and intermediate. All the interested, willing, talented and self motivated female candidates who want to become the part of Pakistan Army so they will be obtain complete information regarding how to join Pakistan Army applying procedure after matric, FA, FSC, BA and BSC on this page here online.
Join Pakistan Army Female After Matric, FA/FSC, BA/BSC
You can visit here for how to join Pakistan army jobs for females 2025 after matric, fsc, bsc. Many of the interested females wants to get hat well positions of the Pakistan Army officer as captain, Soldier, Junior Commissioned Officer, Female Major, GDMO / Specialist but before joining they must having the complete exact selection procedure in the Pakistan army. Here we are giving the basic procedure requirements so all interested female candidates follow the complete instructions given below.
Requirements for Joining Female Pakistan Army:
For Female Position Name:
- AFNS General Nursing & AFNS BSC Nursing
- Qualification: Matric With Science at least 605 marks for BSc Nursing
- Matric with Science at least 55% marks For general Nursing
- FSc pre medical with at least 50% marks
- Age: Minimum 17 years and Maximum 25 years.
- Marital Status: Un-married / Widow /separated divorced with encumbrances
- Nationality: Pakistani Citizen, AJK
- Height: At least 5 feet and 2 inches
- Weight: As per the body mass
In the Pakistan Army mostly female positions which are declared in the month of March / April after six months Pakistan Army again announced the female vacant positions in the month of October and November every year. Interested female candidates must be filling their applications form with carefully and it must be submit along with complete all requirement academic photocopies of certificates to the nearest any Army Selection and Recruitment Center (AS&RC) regarding areas for latest Pakistan Army Female Jobs please visit at and for any query ask in comment box.