Join Pak Army

Join Pakistan Army after Intermediate FA and FSc

Pakistan Army is the power of Pakistan and a career in the Pak Army is considered a dream come true for those who love Pakistan. Usually, every person who joins the PAK army feels proud and here we discuss Join Pakistan Army. However, after Intermediate FA and FSc Options and Entry Fields. So, they serve the nation, the people of the world in every harsh condition. There are shinning career opportunities for youngsters in Pakistan Army. They can serve in Pak Army from a different perspective because there are many jobs for males and females in Pakistan’s armed forces. Excellent career opportunities in Pakistan Army are offered to talented as well as youth in different fields. So, a huge number of students apply for the Pak army. There is an organized system of promotion and increment.  Officers are promoted through a standard procedure of rules and regulations.

Pakistan Army is not a profession but a way of life. It is for those who want leadership abilities and who have the dare to join it. The army gives you the opportunity to defend and serve the motherland as no one can do. Armed Forces are perfect specimens of Quaid’s motto Unity Faith and Discipline. Therefore it is important that you should follow discipline in your life. Besides disciples, you should also possess some qualities if you want to join Pak Army. These qualities are Loyalty, Respect, Self Service, Integrity, and Personal Courage. If you have all these attributes then you can join this unique profession.

Join Pakistan Army after Intermediate FA and FSc 

Join Pakistan Army after Intermediate

So, here details are giving about joining Pakistan Army after intermediate.

Type of Commission: AFNS – BSc Nursing

Age: 17-25 years

Qualification: Basically, the matric with Science – 60% Marks Minimum, F.Sc (Pre-medical) – 50% Marks Minimum

Marital Status: Female unmarried / widow / separated divorcee without encumbrances.

Training period: 4 years BSc Nursing Training at AFPGMI Rawalpindi. After successful completion of training, shall be granted Commission in the rank of Lieutenant.

Type of Commission: Regular Commission – PMA Long Course

Age: 17 to 22 years

Qualification: Intermediate or equivalent

Marital Status:  Unmarried (Married serving personnel of the Armed Forces over 20 years of age are eligible).

Type of Commission: Regular Commission- Technical Cadet Course

Age: 17 to 22 years

Marital Status: Unmarried Male

Qualification: FSc (Pre Engineering) Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry / Computer Studies. In fact, the Computer Science with the minimum of 65% marks or ‘O’ level. So, the (English being compulsory) in five subjects and ‘A’ level pass in Mathematics. Therefore, the Physics and Chemistry / Computer Studies/Computer Science in Grade A-C.

Training: A candidate requires to complete one year of military training at PMA Kakul, after obtaining a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) Degree.

Army Commission: Army Medical College MBBS/BDS

Age: 17-21 years

Marital Status: Unmarried Male

Qualification:  FSc (Pre-medical) with minimum 70% marks or “A” level passed in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry with minimum grade C.

Training: After completing 4 to 5 years of study, 22 x Weeks Basic Military Training (BMT) at PMA Kakul after completion of the final professional examination.

Army Commission: Soldiers

Age: 17 to 23

Marital Status: Unmarried Male

Qualification: Matric and Above

Ineligibility Conditions:

  • “Not Recommended” twice by ISSB/GHQ Selection & Review Board
  • So, the Declaring medically unfit by Military Hospital/ Appeal Medical Board.
  • However, the Enrolled cadets and recruits withdrawn/ resigned /discharged/ dismissed from Armed Forces. Army, Navy & Air Force training academies/institutions on the grounds of discipline. In fact, the character, medical, inefficiency, weak profile, or declared unsuitable.
  • An individual dismissed/removed from any other government service.
  • Convicted by a Court of Law for an offense involving moral turpitude.

Tahir Malik

I'm an Educational writer with a B.Ed degree having a passion for educating, and delivering my knowledge for the sake of students' growth.

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