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Importance of Classroom and Teacher

Class classroom is a place where a student learns a lot in his early life. A student spends half of his day in the classroom from the age of 4-5 years till 22-25 years of age. It means that he spends half of his life in the classroom where he can make the most of everything. When a student completes his education he remembers his academic life his friends, his teachers, his fellows, his books, his routine, his school, and his college, in short, I would say that he remembers every moment and every memory of his educational life, especially in class. So classroom and teacher play an important role in the grooming of a person from childhood till a young age.

We believe that teachers are the real guides so they play a very important role in the classroom. Most of the students idealize the personality of some teachers so it shows that teachers play an effective role in the life of a student. The classroom and teacher have a close association with each other and among the students. A teacher is responsible for building a good atmosphere in the classroom.

Importance of classroom and teacher pdf

Good teachers make students realize that they should meet the expectations of their parents. They make students learn to respect their parents. All this happens in the classroom and in the presence of teachers. Students spend half of their time with teachers in the classroom. A student thinks of teachers as role models for them because teachers make them learn to differentiate between right and wrong.

Importance of Class Room and Teacher

Importance of Classroom and Teacher

Students remember the environment of the classroom because they recall beautiful moments of the class. It is seen that students enjoy some teacher lectures and listen with full interest and attention. Therefore a teacher should be able to involve every student in his discussion. If a teacher prepares a good environment in the class then the students are more likely to be happy. Teachers are responsible for make social behavior of the students.

The positive environment of the classroom makes a student learn important things. Students remember their friends and activities in the classroom. A student does many activities in the classroom like group discussions, debate competitions, presentations, and many more useful activities. Students find memorable moments with their friends in the classroom.

They share their problems with each other and help out their fellows. In all, the classroom and teacher make a student responsible, respectable, and good person in his life. We should learn as much as we can in the classroom from our teachers because this period of life will never come back.

Nosheen Fatima

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