IBCC Grants To 10 Extra Marks for Scouts, Girl Guides
IBCC Grants To 10 Extra Marks for Scouts, Girl Guides: The Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) comprising chairmen of all the 27 educational boards of the country on Tuesday agreed in principle to award 10 extra marks to scouts and girl guides in the Higher Secondary Certificate examinations from the next year.
The decision will, however, be implemented after an eligibility criterion is set in this regard by the Pakistan Boys Scouts Association (PBSA).
This and other issues including the printing of matriculation and intermediate certificates, Allama Iqbal Open University`s request for permission to introduce intermediate commerce courses, etc were discussed at the two-day IBCC conference that began here on Tuesday.
Considering the AIOU plea, the IBCC recalled that it had earlier turned down a request from the Islamic International University, Islamabad, for permission to introduce intermediate level courses on the ground that imparting intermediate level education did not come under the domain of a university.
IBCC grants 10 Extra Marks for Scouts, Girl Guides It, however, asked the AIOU for the contents of its proposed course for consideration so as to help IBCC members take a final decision.
IBCC Grants To 10 Extra Marks for Scouts, Girl Guides
A discussion on some important and controversial issues was put off for Wednesday. The issues included a revised A Level equivalence formula in the light of the marathon talks held over the past couple of years between the IBCC and Cambridge University; and the question of whether or not the students admitted to a medical university after passing their A Level examination with mathematics, biology and chemistry papers should be issued equivalence certificates of their A Level qualification.
In order to eliminate the chances of fake matriculation and intermediate certificates, the IBCC made it mandatory upon all educational boards to get the certificates printed at the Security Printing Press of Pakistan.
It also resolved to publish all its decisions taken over the past 10 years in the form of a booklet.
The conference, presided over by chairman Prof Anwar Ahmed Zai, was attended, among others, by chairmen of all educational boards of the country including the technical and textbook boards and senior officials of the federal ministry of education and the federal Bureau of Curriculum.