
How To Write An Essay In School/College

There are different kinds of essays but I will tell you a brief and easy method to write a student essay. Essay writing is given to know the thinking abilities and command of students over the language. This was a great essay and it’s all about How To Write An Essay In School/College. Our team aims to provide the best information, so read and answer me in the comment session.

Easy tips to write a good essay

  • When you have the option to choose an essay among 2 or 3 essays then choose that topic about which you know the exact and greater information. Two things should be considered 1. What to say? 2. How to say?
  • There are three main things to remember before writing an essay.

How To Write An Essay In School/College

1. Introduction 2. Body of the essay 3. Conclusion

  • Introduction:

Give a clear, precise, and short introduction to your topic. Try to think 2 or 3 minutes before writing an essay. Think about as many points as you can and then give a brief description of those points in the introduction. Remember that the introduction should not be lengthy; it should be impressive and brief.

  • Main Body of Essay:

Then comes the main body of your essay. In this main body, you should explain and elaborate your points one by one.  Every essay should be divided into suitable paragraphs. Each paragraph should deal with one single idea. 6 to 7 paragraphs are enough for a good essay.

  • Conclusion:

If you think that you have mentioned all those ideas that were in your mind, then you can give a brief and natural conclusion. It may consist of 1 paragraph. You can give solutions to the problems you have discussed in your essay. Summarize your points and then give a brief conclusion.

  • Example of an essay:

For example, a current topic is a load shedding in Pakistan. First of all, you should give a brief introduction about when this crisis began in Pakistan, what are its causes, and its solutions. In the main body, you should discuss the causes of load shedding. Try to discuss 6 to 7 points in this section like shortage of dams, increasing population, poor economic policies of the government, corruption, etc In the conclusion you can write the solutions to this problem like increase power production, hydel power projects, usage of natural resources, etc

Things to remember:

Write your essay in simple language. Try to least repeat your ideas. Do not detract while writing about a specific topic. Do not include wrong information. Your sentences should be short and to the point. The style of your essay should be simple. Revise your essay once so that you can remove your mistakes.

Tahir Malik

I'm an Educational writer with a B.Ed degree having a passion for educating, and delivering my knowledge for the sake of students' growth.

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