A and O Level

How to select subjects for O-Level and A-Level

The selection of courses for Pakistani students has always been a tricky part of their education. As we have a major problem of lack of counseling. Apart from the compulsory courses, which are English language, Islamiat, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics, and Urdu language, students can select up to five optional courses at O&A levels. However, teachers and institutions recommend a maximum of three owing to the already existing workload. It is advisable for courses to be taken as complementary since it is of no viable use to select subjects that belong to a totally different area of study.

How to select subjects for O-Level and A-Level Guide

More A and O Level Guides for Students are available Here

The most important thing in the selection of courses is that

  • Judge Yourself:

Look deep inside yourself and ask yourself what subject interest you the most. What are your dreams and hobbies? For example, do you love reading books? Then English Literature should definitely be one of the subjects that you should choose. Do you enjoy science because chemical equations can never bore you? Then you should consider taking up subjects like Chemistry.

  • Follow Your Heart:

Some students choose their subjects because their close friends are choosing those subjects, while other gives in to parental pressure. So they end up choosing subjects that their parents think is best for them. If you are one such student, let me ask you this: will your friend or parent be living your life? Therefore, you need to decide for yourself what is right for you. You can ask for your friends and family’s opinions, after all they know you the best. But at the end of the day, the final decision should be from your heart.

  • Think Harder And Harder Before You Take A Step:

Choosing of subjects is not just a time being scenario but a decision for life. So make sure that you think and ponder upon it again and again. Because once you have chosen your subject there is no turning back. Make sure, subjects you choose are just right for your taste and your future.

Although there are 55 courses to choose from, schools and educational institutions offer a limited variety since the staff and teaching faculty is limited. For instance, schools do not generally offer any more courses than those which are widely taken by students and are rendered the most popular. Courses must not be selected randomly and sometimes, in good and renowned institutions, teachers and the school staff sit together to decide which courses a student should be allowed to take based on their past performance in various courses.

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