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How to Remember Question and Answer Lesson for Long Time

You must have come to know that students face this basic problem in their academic life that they don’t remember the answers of the question for a long time. There are certain useful tips if you want to remember answers for a long time. I will mention some important tips which will be very useful to you. Here are the tips and you must follow these.

How to Remember Question and Answer Lesson for Long Time

How to Remember Question and Answer Lesson for Long Time

Tips to remember question and answer for long time:

  • First of all read the things loudly so that your ears can listen and then memorize the things. It means that when you visualize things and hear and listen, in this way your brain will catch certain things.
  • Group discussion is also a good method of memorizing the answers of the questions. When you discuss with your fellows then different points click in your mind and you can learn to memorize.
  • Note the lecture of your teacher and then consult your books and clear your concepts. Do your home work daily if any problems ask your teacher. You can learn and memorize effectively.
  • Revise the topic from time to time to keep things refresh in your mind. Don’t forget to revise the topic after some time. By proper revision thinks will go right.
  • Apply examples from daily life and relate that examples to your topic, in this way you will remember the answers for a long time.
  • Develop your analytical skills and learning abilities in order to remember for a long time.
  • Don’t do cramming; rather learn by your heart. First understand and then memorize the answer of the questions. If you will memorize anything after proper understanding that topic then it is less likely to occur that you forget the topics
  • Write down several times and link different ideas together to remember effectively. The more you will write and do practice the more you learn and memorize.
  • Make a list of different words and remember. Like the colors of rainbow which are called as vibgyor. Using the same technique you can memorize chemistry and physics formulas.
  • Imagine picture of the topic and then learn by your imagination.
  • Make a chart and put it on the wall in your room. Try to see as much as you can before going to sleep and after wake up. You can make list of different formulas of subjects. In this way you can memorize effectively.

If you want to memorize for a long time try to learn and memorize effectively. Make serious efforts to learn and memorize the answers of the questions. I am sure that you can memorize the answer of the questions for quite a long time by following all the useful tips given above.

Nosheen Fatima

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