
HITEC University Taxila FSc Pre Medical Engineering Admissions 2025

Heavy Industries Taxila, Education City HITECH Institute Taxila has announced the HITEC University Taxila FSc Pre Medical Engineering Admissions 2025 for the FSc Pre Engineering and Pre Medical and ICS (Math’s, Physics, Computer Science), Applications are invited for admission to the Following (HITEC College for Men/ HITECH College for Women). Furthermore, Heavy Industries Taxila, Education City (HITEC) is a boarding and day schools and colleges complex: situated in the heart of the historical city of Taxila. At HITEC, we believe in the value of overall grooming, personality development, and an all-around education. HITEC enjoys a strong reputation and is proud of its academic achievements.

APPLICATIONS are invited for admission to the following institutions:

  • HITEC College for Men (HITEC College for Women SUBJECT COMBINATIONS)
  • Pre-Medical
  • Pre-Engineering
  • ICS (Math’s, Physics, Computer Science)


80 % marks in SSC-I. (Attest Copy to attach with Admission Forms)


Admissions are on the basis of SSC result (Minimum 80% marks), Test and Interview is at the end of coaching classes.



Also, Applicants Can obtain the form from the HITEC Secretariat for Rs 1000/- (Registration Fee inclusive) or by submitting Rs.1150/- through bank draft/ pay-order in the name of the Administrator Heavy Industries Taxila, Education City HITEC Taxila Cantt. Admission forms can be downloaded from the website:


The applicants must send the following along with the application form:

  1. Four latest photographs ( I x le) of the candidate duly attested by a Grade I officer.
  2. Also, Photocopy of Maine Result Card (For 1st Year College admission) or copy of progress report institution attended.
    (Not applicable for Play Group)
  3. Address slips duly completed.
  4. Medical Certificate of fitness issued by any government hospital.
  5. Parent’s /Guardian’s undertaking.
  6. Permissible age limits arc Play Group 2 ‘A years onwards, Class 1.6 years onwards. (Three months age relaxation is allowable by Principal/Administrator).
  7. Form duly completed may deposit with SuptdAdmissions or send by post to HITEC Secretariat Education City by the due date.
  8. If no intimation is received 05 days prior to the date of the exam you are requested to contact our admission office.
  9. After the conduct of the entry test if you make the merit and fulfill other conditions you will be called for an interview for the final selection.

HITEC University Taxila FSc Pre Medical/Engineering Admissions 2025


Heavy Industries Taxila Education City, Taxila Cantt.

Tel: 051-9043100-1 ext: 116 I

Email: [email protected]

Important Note:-

Additionally, A draft of Rs.1000/- (cost of prospectus and registration fee inclusive) in favor of Administrator Heavy Industries Taxila, Education City HITEC. Also, the cash payment will entitle the applicant to appear in the entrance test / Interview. Thus, For outstation requests, the payment will be Rs.1150/- Incomplete application forms in any respect. Hence, candidates who are over/ under age beyond the relaxable limit are unacceptable. So, the Registration Fee and the cost of the prospectus are non-refundable.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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