HEC Commonwealth Scholarships UK 2025
Higher Education Commission Pakistan Commonwealth scholarships for the Masters, Doctoral, Split-site study and Academic Fellowship, tenable in the United Kingdom 2025. Higher Education Commission HEC invites application from Pakistani / AJK nationals for scholarship program offered by the Commonwealth Commission, United Kingdom. The scholarships are offered for three types of study programs in UK institutions for all disciplines, commencing from the year 2025.
All awards will be made on the basis of the academic merit, quality of the research proposal, potential of the candidate, and the likely impact of the work on the development of Pakistan. The detailed eligibility criteria for Master / Doctoral / Split-site and Commonwealth Academic Fellowship along with Selection Criteria is available on NEC webpage: www.hec.gov.pk/ffsp.
HEC Commonwealth Scholarships UK 2025
Detailed instructions are available ir the application form and also uploaded on the website, which must be read thoroughly, before sending application. Reference letters should be submitted in sealed envelopes. Please attach following documents in your applicator package Download NEC-Application Form (for respective scholarship program) from NEC website www.hec.gov pk/ffsp
- Fill online Commonwealth application form (for respective scholarship program) through Electronic Application System (EAS), from bit.ly/cscuk-apply selecting NEC as your nominating agency. Get three (03) printouts of your online application form (duly filled and signed by the head/Vice Chancellor), as described on NEC website. The applications without EAS Application form will not be entertained.
- Attach attested copies of all the documents, Annexes, and payment receipt of Rs. 500/- (in original) deposited in NEC online Account No. 17427900133401 in HBL, Shalimar Recording Company Branch, Sector H-9, Islamabad as mentioned in the NEC application form, available on the H EC website.
- NEC will conduct interviews of potential candidates through the experts at NEC and selected candidates will be nominated to Commonwealth UK.
- Incomplete applications will NOT be accepted, for further processing. The recommendation of nominating agency i.e. HEC will be final and binding.
- Commonwealth UK does not accept direct applications. All nominations from Pakistan will be routed via HEC. NEC endorses equal opportunity, however, females are encouraged to apply. Please send application forms (3 Copies) on or before 20′ October. 2025 on the address given below:
For the Further details regarding the the Higher Education Commission HEC Commonwealth Scholarships program for UK 2025 you should stay with us here on this page and if you want to get ask any further information or have any question so you can ask from us here in below given comment section. because here we will help you and answer your question.
Contact Information:-
Engr. Waheed Ahmed Mangi
Deputy Director (HRD)/ In-charge FFSP/ Commonwealth united Kingdom
Higher Education Commission, H-9, Islamabad.
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]