
Government College of Technology Taxila Admission 2025 Diploma Of Associate Engineering

Here you will come to know about the Government College of Technology Taxila Admission 2025 from this well-reputed site of Pakistan. Government College of Taxila is one of the oldest engineering institute present in Pakistan which has been providing world-class education in the field of engineering since 19 century. It announces different admissions for different courses every year. It has also announced admissions for Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, chemical engineering, Electrical engineering, and Telecom Engineering. All those students who want to get admission in these diploma programs can apply for admission through this well-reputed site and can get a chance to get world-class education.

It is recognized by the higher education commission of Pakistan and affiliated with different engineering universities. Perks to get admission in this college is that a student becomes eligible for the PMLN laptop scheme and other scholarships offered by the HEC. If you are also interested in the Part of this institute then you are in the right place. Here you will come to know about the eligibility criteria, about its procedure. Last date to apply and other important requirements are below on this site.


Government college of technology Taxila has announced admissions for three-year associate engineering diploma DAE of Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering, electrical engineering, and many others. It offers students to take admission both in morning and evening classes.

Government College of Technology Taxila Admission 2025 Diploma Of Associate Engineering

Admission Criteria:

All students who have passed their Matriculation exams or waiting for the result and less than 18 years of age are eligible to take admission. In the Case of Hafiz or F.SC, there is four year age relaxation which is 22 years. It doesn’t require domicile and students from other provinces can also apply.

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  • Last Date: yet not confirmed
  • Merit Lists: Merit lists will be available soon.

Seat Allocation:

All students who want to apply for admission can get admission on a merit basis. There are some reserved seats for Hafiz-e-Quran and students from other Province. All students who want to apply for admission can get their application forms along with prospectuses from the admission office of the Government college of technology Taxila. Students can also download their application forms from the official site of this public college. If you have any questions in your mind regarding this admission then you can ask us through comments.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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