Pakistan Exam Results

Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi NTS Test Result 2025 Check Online

Here you will come to know about the Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi NTS test result 2025 from this site. It is a top-ranked medical college which is providing medical education to local students of Pakistan. Every year a large number of students fulfill their dream of becoming doctors by getting an education through this college in the field of medicine. All those students who have dreams to get medical education or want to become a doctor can apply for admission to this institute. Admissions were open and a large number of students applied for admission in different medical courses for which this college had opened admission.

All those students who want to be a part of this institute also appeared in the NTS test which will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of December. All those students who appeared in the entry test are looking for the entry test result and answer keys. If you are also looking for the NTS test result then let me tell you that you are in the right place.

Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi Nts Test Result 2025

So check the result and answer keys from the below paragraphs. This well-reputed medical college opened admission for different medical programs. All those students who apply for admission to this institute. Also, appear in the entry test which will organize under the NTS collaboration on 2nd and 3rd December 2025. If you are also looking for the result then let me tell you that the result has not been announced by the NTS officials yet. NTS announces entry test results within a week after test commencement. As the result will announce by the officials, we will also update it here as soon as possible.

Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi NTS Test Result

All those students who are looking for the NTS test answer keys 2025 can check from this site on the 2nd and 3rd of December 2025. Answer keys announce by the officials on the same day usually in the evening on the day of the test. You can download these answer keys to compare your result with the true answers and can assume your result before the announcement of the result. This is the best way to assume your test score before the result. It will help you to assume that either you have got admission to this well-reputed medical college or not. So for more information please stay tuned with us on this site.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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