
FPSC CSS Written Test Result 2025

Everyone who is searching for the result of CSS under FPSC, congratulations you are in right place. So, the candidates can check FPSC CSS Written Test Result 2025 online here. Actually, here is the complete list of all the successful candidates in the below link announced by the FPSC officials. There is e little delay in the result announce through the FPSC however the result is out for all candidates. FPSC takes the CSS exams for different grades jobs in Pakistan under the laws of the Federal Government. The CSS exams take place in and now the result is out and we are providing the complete list of all successful candidates.

We are providing this service so that you feel no need to go anywhere to check or no need to ask from anyone. You simply open up the below link and have your result in front of you in just a few minutes. So check your result online through this website. The Federal Public Service Commission is one of the legal bodies to conduct the CSS exams for different grades. This Federal Public Service Commission takes exams and plays the main role in the recruitment of higher government officials.

FPSC CSS Test Result 2025

However this year the turnover of the students to appear in the exams was low as compare upon previous years. This year 23,403 candidates apply to prove themselves but only 14,521 candidates appeared for the test. This low yield of students to attempt tests is may be due to lockdowns or COVID-19.

CSS Written Test Result 2025 Check Online By Name Roll Number

Anyhow very few students appeared in the test which reduces the competition which is not a good sign for us. The competition improves the candidates and higher competition gives higher quality officials as the CSS pass students have to serve Pakistan at a higher level.

This year total of 372 students clears the test out of which 214 candidates were recommended for the interview. Out of these 214 called-up candidates, 132 are male and 82 are female. The CSS is one of the most difficult tests in Pakistan the reward is also very big for the candidates who clear it. Every difficulty carries a reward with it so all those students who are not on the list of successful candidates try again. It’s not the time to be disheartening make yourself more suitable for this and appear again and prove yourself. So let everything be set aside and prepare with more effort than your previous attempt and make sure you succeed.

Tariq Nawaz

All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing and not moving toward excellence. "All things good to know are difficult to learn."

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