
FCPS Result 2025 Part 1 2 June Online Results

The students who are studying at Physicians and Surgeons College of Pakistan had to attempt FCPS exams. Therefore, they are waiting for results now too aware of further details. In this way, the FCPS Result 2025 Part 1 2 June Results are going available here. So, the students can get results information of both parts at this point. However, additional details are also available for students in this article. In fact, the students will aware of the background of this institute. On the other hand, the result checking instruction is also mentioning for students.

Basically, every student of CPSP knows that the college is providing its services since 1962 with elite professionals. However, the services were starting from the UK colleges as every student of this college may know. In fact, the policies of this college are coming from the UK as well as rules and regulations. So, the students of this college are getting education under the environment of the UK polices. On the other hand, they are studying from the elite professionals that are having degrees from overseas countries. That’s why the medical education in this college is excellent all over the country.

FCPS Result 2025 Part 1 2 June Results


As many students also know about the founder of this college was Wajid Ali Burki. Basically, he was a General of the Pakistan Army with having a lot of abilities for serving in the country. In this way, he provides his services after the separation of the sub-continent as Director-General in the Pak Army. However, the president of this college was also this brave man. So, technically, the college has a unique background history from the other colleges in Pakistan. Therefore, the environment, as well as the study pattern, is also unique for students. That’s, why, the college is leading in the field of medicine from all medical colleges of Pakistan.

However, the students come to the main point of the result that is available on the official website. In this way, they can check their roll numbers by selecting their program. However, they will need to put the computer number in which they sit for the exam. That’s why students also need to mention their computer numbers as well as roll numbers for their part one and two results. However, any query about this process will furnish here to provide the appropriate solution. The expert team is always ready to guide the students according to their queries.

Zubair Asghar

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work even a single day in your life." I believe in this so I am just doing it.

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