
Essay On Why Students Come Late to School

This is an Essay On Why Students Come Late to School. Going to school is considered one of the biggest problems for students. It is due to many reasons, as the students don’t like to wake up early in the morning as well as they like to stay awake till late at night. These common mistakes make a student lazy and they don’t take their responsibilities. It is one of the major reasons behind being late that they become irresponsible. They never assume the importance of education or the importance of going to class on time.

These types of students never take ownership of their responsibilities. Which leads them to failure not only in their education but in their life too. A student is responsible for his late coming but somehow it is due to his parent’s and teachers’ negligence. Most teachers fail to motivate their students and they never let them know about the importance of coming to class on time.

500 Word essay on being late to schools

If a student comes to know that he is losing precious things by coming late, he will never come to school late. Poor management also leads students to come to school late. Proper management can help a student leave their habit of coming late to school and solve their personal issues like late sleeping and waking etc. Most of the students learn the habits from their parents.

Essay On Why Students Come Late to School

if their parents are not punctual they will also never become punctual because they usually follow their parents. So it is compulsory for parents to wake up early in the morning. And that their children will also wake up early in the morning and never come to school late. Students can be motivated through the carrot-and-stick approach. According to this approach, a student must be punished if he comes late to school, on the other hand.

He should be rewarded with some prizes if he maintains his punctuality and is never late for school. It is the responsibility of a good teacher to study the psychology of students. Students come to know about the problem, which is becoming a hurdle in his punctuality. There are many other reasons like convenience problems, long-distance schools, poor management at their homes during the morning, school timing and many others which also cause the reason for students to come late to school.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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