Quaid E Azam Essay in English For Class 10

All talented students can easily download the complete essay on Quaid E Azam Essay In English For Class 10 With Quotations. You have to search out various English essays about many of the best personalities of Pakistan from anywhere. But now you can easily get from here online every easy according to their requirement. Here below a complete English essay on Pakistan Founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah where all Matric / 10th / 9th class students boys and girls. Students can get benefits in their final exams. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi and his father’s name was Poonjah Jinnah.
He got his early education from their native city of Karachi. While he was completing his matric from Mission High School Karachi. He was brought up with love and care. At the initial stage/student life he was showing the best performance for his Pakistan career. He was sent abroad for higher education and got the degree of Bar-at-Law from the Hixson Inn. His great motive was “Work, work, and more work”.
Essay on Quaid e Azam in English
He became a member of the Indian National Congress and worked hard for the Hindu Muslim unity. Basically, his aim was to separate Hindu and Muslim countries. He desired to give the best things to the rights of Muslims. in 1940 he demanded that India should be divided into states India and Pakistan.
The Hindus and English rulers opposed this idea and behaved very badly. But with every effort Quaid did not lose his belief, he struggled endlessly and Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947. Which was the biggest achievement for Muslims. Pakistan is not only mean freedom and independence it is a precious gift and treasure for all Pakistanis from Quaid-e-Azam.
Quaid E Azam Essay In English For Class 10 With Quotations
When he returned from England after getting higher education he started practicing as a lawyer in Bombay. In the passage of time, he got great fruit of success in their life after becoming of the leading lawyers in India. His also great motto is faith discipline and unity. He impresses us to be a true Muslim and a good Pakistani. He joined the Muslim League and made it the biggest party of the Muslims and India.
Outstanding essay on Quaid e Azam in English
Quaid-E-Azam said that; Religion should not be allowed to come into politics religion is merely a matter between man and God. He also said that now we all are Pakistanis, not Baluchis, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, Punjabis, and so on and as Pakistanis, we must feet behave and act and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis nothing else.
essay on quaid e azam
He is overworking day and night without caring about his health for the establishment of Pakistan. And day by day his heart is broken down doctor. While also warns him to pay attention to his health as overwork makes him ill at last, he died on September 11, 1948. The whole nation mourned his death May his soul rest in peace.