Essay on My First Day in School/ College

In college students learn to live independently, they are no more too dependent on their teachers and start to learn on their own. A college is a place of light, liberty, and learning. In college, a student has to take on all his responsibilities. Their parents and teachers make him realize that now he has to make his decisions himself. In college, a student learns to do his work in time and realize his responsibility. You can find here an Essay on My First Day in School/ College and my first day at college essay in English quotations.
His name was Sir Ali and he told us that he would be our class teacher of English Subject. I was very happy because He looked quite experienced and he spoke very gently. He told us the roll numbers of all the students. My roll number was 14. He asked us to introduce ourselves one by one. We were told our school name and 10th-class marks. I also introduced myself.
My first day at college essay 300 words
After the complete introduction of the class, He wanted us to choose class representative CR, desiring students to raise their hands. Sir Ali selected two students who were confident and capable to represent the class. Then all the class gave votes and one of them was selected as our Class Representative. Sir Ali gave him the timetable to pin on the noticeboard. Then he left the class by saying that he would start teaching us from tomorrow.
They gave every student a different and funny task and my task was to act as a vegetable seller and sell different items. I was so much confused but I managed to make everyone laugh. They also take our pens and receive a fine in the form of money to gain admission to this college. They also make us afraid by telling false stories about the college. After one hour of fooling, they left the room.
Essay on My First Day in School/ College
I was nervous because it was my first day at college but I was hopeful that I would find good friends and nice teachers. In fact, I did not know about the college staff too much. So, I reached the college on time. When I reached college there were lots of students. Then I tried to find my classroom. I was thinking that it is better to ask some students. I asked two to three students but could not find my class.
Entrance of Class Room:
Then I saw there was something written in front of a room that “Welcome Juniors”. I understood that I would be for new admission seekers. Then I sat on the third row because the first two rows of seats were occupied by students. I introduced myself to many students. Luckily two students were my previous classmates. Everyone was waiting for the teacher to come. Then after about half an hour a teacher came and he introduced himself to all the class.
It was now recess time and I visited every corner of the college. The break was over and then the next teacher came and told us about the hard work of college life and about the negligence of students that led them a fail. He was very serious. Then one more teacher came after that college time was over and I returned home happily. It was really a memorable day for me. I still remember my first day of college and it makes me smile.
Senior Students:
Then after some time few students entered our class and made us silent. They were looking quite confident and I thought they might be seniors. Yes, I was correct they were here to make” first-year fools” of us. They passed funny remarks on us. They ordered us to stand in a line and March. There was no option except obeying. We were stamped as Taxi or Fool and many other fun titles. I was very nervous.
Essay on my first day in school
College teachers convey to the students that College life is much tougher than school life and now they need to remove childish behavior in their personality. During College life, a student feels many changes in himself regarding his lifestyle, thinking, behavior, and much more practical life. During college life, a student learns to differentiate between evil and good because he has to make himself mature.
When I passed my 10th class at a High school in Karachi, I was eagerly waiting to study at college. It was going to be a new experience for me and very different from School. I was successful in getting admission to a good college of my own choice because I passed my previous examination with excellent marks. So, the first day of college arrived and I was quite nervous but hopeful too.