
Essay on My Best Teacher

Teaching is a noble profession. Teaching is an angelic work. Teaching is the profession of prophets and here we will be provided now Essay on My Best Teacher, God has regarded teachers as lighthouses who are responsible for the betterment of whole generations. Teachers are the real guides. Teachers are spiritual fathers. Parents bring up their children and the teachers form their characters. It is the teacher who makes doctors, engineers, scientists, or any other great person.

He knows that knowledge is a virtue. He tries to enlighten the minds of students. A teacher is a person who teaches us the path of life. Many teachers have inspiring personalities and students are admired by different teachers due to many different factors. I have many teachers but Sir Ali is my favorite teacher. Sir Ali is our class teacher and teaches us the subject of English. He owns all the qualities of a good teacher. He is loving, smart and hard-working. He is a well well-dressed person that is why he always impresses us.

my favourite teacher essay 300 words

His way of teaching is very attractive. Sir Ali knows the difficulties of his students. He knows that the cause of education can only be served if there is strong communication between the teacher and his students. Besides teaching English, he also teaches the students the principles of punctuality, discipline, and efficiency by his own example. Sir Ali is a just and fair-minded person because he does not favor any student for any special reason rather he treats every student in the same way.

Essay on My Best Teacher

Essay on My Best Teacher

Prophets, saints, and sages all were teachers. They are the builders of the nation. They are guides. We should give them due respect. There is a famous saying that a teacher is a doctor of the mind. He removes the ignorance from the minds of students and teaches them knowledge about it. A good teacher has the ability to transfer his knowledge to the students. An ideal and perfect teacher remains a student all his life, as he is always increasing his knowledge.

He makes the students learn more effectively by considering every single student in the class. He tries to answer the questions of every student in the best possible way. He worked hard on the weaknesses of students regarding grammar skills. He has input creative writing skills in every student so that they can attempt any kind of question asked in the exams. He delivers his lecture in such an impressive way that we do not hear the bell.

Essay on my best teacher for class 4

Moreover, he is a man of principles. He is a devoted teacher. His way of talking his manners and his discipline is well known. He has a good reputation in his locality and you can right place where read Essay on My Best Teacher for 4th 5th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th-class students. Everybody respects him. He is honest in his profession. He is sincere to his students. He loves his students and all the students respect him. He helps the needy. He is religious-minded. He prays five times a day. On the whole, he is a perfect person, I am proud of my teacher. In the end, I would say that my teacher is a great asset to our school and the society.

Tahir Malik

I'm an Educational writer with a B.Ed degree having a passion for educating, and delivering my knowledge for the sake of students' growth.

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