
Dermatology Scope in Pakistan Jobs Salary and Scholarships

Now here we are going to discuss the Dermatology scope in Pakistan Jobs Salary and scholarship programs that are mostly implemented in the market. We will also tell you about the all various training courses, topics, diploma annual programs of Dermatology in Pakistan, India, and other foreign countries. All the interested, eligible, talented, and motivated students who have great interest to join that official program of Dermatology so they all students must follow all given instructions/information which that mention on this page.
Dermatology is the type of medicine introducing to the human body skin, cosmetic problems, cancer, nails, hair. infections, eczema and it’s all diseases that are especially both medical and surgical. It’s a very great scope, position vacant career opportunities, salary in Pakistan. In the simple word, we can describe the word Dermatology ” A physician who diagnoses and treats the skin disorders is called Dermatology”. A great strength of that skin issue patient or skin disorders which these all are faced that disease in Pakistan. Due to the ratio for going to spread that disease of skin disorders so many of the educational institutes/universities of Pakistan are offering the Dermatology degree programs. Many of the student boys and girls are want to become a dermatologist so we suggest to all the interested, eligibility, talented and energetic students must be fulfilled that complete eligibility criterion for getting the degree of Dermatology from the well educational institute/university.

According to the eligibility criteria for the Dermatology program so after finalized the intermediate / FSc (Pre-Medical) from any well-reputed educational board so then you will be liable for getting the admission of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) four years Dermatology program in that university which are offering to their eligible students. There are 25 medical institutions that are offering FCPS / Dermatology in Pakistan and that list mention below.

1. Pakistan Institute Of Medical Sciences Islamabad
2. Pakistan Institute Of Medical Sciences Islamabad
3. Liaquat University Of Medical And Health Sciences Jamshoro
4. Dow University Of Health Sciences Karachi
5. Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University Larkana
6. Quaid-e-Azam Medical College / Victoria Hospital Bahawal Pur
7. Punjab Medical College / Allied Hospital Faisalabad
8. Punjab Medical College / Allied Hospital Faisalabad
9. Quaid-e-Azam Postgraduate Medical College / Pims Islamabad
10. Shaheed Muhtrama Benazir Bhutto Medical College Karachi
11. Allama Iqbal Medical College / Jinnah Hospital Lahore
12. Nishtar Medical College / Nishter Hospital Multan
13. Combined Military Hospital Jhelum
14. Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi
15. Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre/hospital Karachi
16. Combined Military Hospital Kharian
17. Combined Military Hospital Lahore
18. Sheikh Zayed Federal Postgraduate Medical Institute / Hospital Lahore
19. Combined Military Hospital Multan
20. Combined Military Hospital Peshawar
21. Military Hospital Rawalpindi
22. Military Hospital Rawalpindi
23. Institute Of Health & Management Sciences Islamabad
24. P.n.s Shifa Karachi
25. P.n.s Shifa Karachi

Dermatology Scope in Pakistan Starting Salary

It’s a very great scope of dermatology program in Pakistan positions vacant, Jobs Career, Salary, and scholarships program and here below we have to mention all subjects/courses for the program of Dermatology and mostly all the interested, eligible talented and energetic students who have great interest in which subject so they must follow complete details for dermatology program.

1. Basic Sciences as related to Dermatology
2. Principles and Practice of Dermatology
3. STD and Leprosy
4. Histopathology, Leprology, and Venereology
5. Recent Advance in Dermatology, Leprology, and Venerology

Many of the educational institute or medical universities are also offering many of the dermatology courses which these are mention below.

1. Clinical Dermatology
2. Clinical Clerkship
3. Advanced Dermatology Clerkship
4. Phototherapy and Psoriases
5. Advanced Dermatology Subspecialty Clerkship
6. Research in Dermatology

According to the salary package of Dermatology in Pakistan so the average base salary package of that medical dermatology program in Pakistan is Rs. 4,943,751 (PKR) or an equivalent hourly rate of Rs.2377/- After getting a fresh degree in dermatology mostly student having one to three years experience at entry-level salary so they can earn Rs. 3,337,745 (PKR) and with the passage of time after getting the good experience of 8 years or above so then they have to move senior-level dermatologist and in this initial stage they can earn of Rs. 6,685,714 (PKR). Sometimes we have not got perfect salary package according to own demand while differents medical sectors offer various attractive salary package according to their performance.

The dermatologist is a good occupation which is also called Doctor, Medical Specialist. It’s also required education doctor of medicine (M.D) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O) or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. It’s total of four medical educational programs. Mostly dermatologist is showing their great performance in the private and government hospitals and also their clinics in Pakistan. Many of the private medical organizations other than hospitals and clinics of Pakistan are also offering for job career of Dermatologist. There are the following private medical sectors mention below.

1. Pharmaceutical firms
2. Medical Research Departments
3. Public and Private Hospitals
4. Medical Labs
5. Surgical Equipment Business
6. Health Departments
7. Lecturer in Medical and Paramedical Institutes

All the interested, eligible, talented, and occupied candidates must follow all these subjects / educational programs in Pakistan which are promoting the great future in which their best occupation. A large number of students are interested to become a doctor but we suggest to all male / female students to choose the dermatologist field which is very perfect for the bright future in Pakistan. If you lined with us so then we will provide you all the latest information regarding the dermatology scope in Pakistan.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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