
Current Issues of Pakistan and Their Solution

At the time of independence, there were numerous issues that were to be solved by the great effort of the leader/founder of Pakistan. Now we will discuss some Current Issues in Pakistan and Their Solution. From the initial stage, Pakistan is facing many of the problems. The best struggle of leader Mr.Quaid-e-Azam for the separation of Pakistan. Now if we see the present situation of Pakistan regarding these current major issues. So due to these programs, Pakistan has been declared the worst country in the world.

Social Issues in Pakistan

Many of the departments are showing their worst position regarding current issues. Most of these departments have been caught up with some worst issues that are causing Pakistan. Now a time the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is facing hundreds of problems. So here below we will discuss some critical worst issues of Pakistan and also their solutions.


Poverty is one of the worst problems in Pakistan and many of the population of the country are involved in that problem if 40% of people start earning then that worst poverty line will be improved and necessities things of life will be given such as clothing, food, education, and medication.

Social Problems of Pakistan


Illiteracy is also one of the worst issues of Pakistan. Where a 50% literacy rate counts by officially which means that half of the family background is moving backward.

Essay on Current Issues of Pakistan

Energy Crisis:

Electricity is also one of the major problems of Pakistan Now that time all Pakistani nations are faced with the worst situation energy crisis. We should be producing more electricity and finishing that shortage of load shedding through some rising demand for power.


In almost all departments of the private and government sectors, Pakistan is also suffering from a fatal problem of Corruption and Political instability. We must finish that worst issue from Pakistan when we changed completely all staff of every department.


Terrorism is also one of the major and highly destructive issues of Pakistan which is the main cause of fear. Most people are mentally damaged after listening to some terrorist ocean. Terrorist attacks staged in Pakistan have killed over 35,000 people, 5,000 of whom are law enforcement personnel, and caused material damage to the Pakistani economy of $67 billion.

Health Issues:

A great strength of the Pakistani nation is also facing another worse Health problem day by day all diseases like heart, diabetes, obesity, diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, skin, and other non-communicable diseases are increasing in Pakistan. You must be attached to us for more details about other interesting topics regarding education, entertainment, news, and sports.

nabeel zahid

I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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