CSS Past Paper Muslim Law and Jurisprudence 2025
Here we will be provided CSS Past Paper Muslim Law and Jurisprudence and CSS Muslim Law and Jurisprudence Past Paper 2025. Muslim Law and Jurisprudence Past Paper CSS 2025: The Central Superior Services (CSS) annual Examination 2025 latest past paper CSS Muslim Law and Jurisprudence Past Paper 2025 available. You can also check on this site CSS, All Years, All Subjects, Federal Public Service Commission past papers, and complete guidelines with the best resources.
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Muslim Law and Jurisprudence Past Paper of CSS examination 2025 conducted by Federal Public Service Commission 2025 annual exams.
CSS Muslim Law and Jurisprudence Past Paper 2025
(i)Who established a prison-house for malefactors?
(a) Hazrat Umar (R.A.) (b) Hazrat Abu Dakar (R A.) (c) Hazrat Usman (R.A.) (d) None of these
(ii)Who wrote the first book on the science of law or usul:
(a) Abu Hanifa (b) Imam Malik (c) Imam Shafi’i (d) None of these
(iii)Sale of dates on a tree in consideration for plucked dates is:
(a) Mulamassa (b) Munabadha (c) Muzabana (d) None of these
(iv) A woman may be a Qadi according to:
(a) Malikis (b) Hanafis (c) Hamblis (d) None of these
(v) Plurality of wives is called:
(a) Bigamy (b) Polygamy (c) Polyandry (d) None of these
vi)The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance was enacted in:
(a) 1960 (b) 1959 (c) 1961 (d) None of these
(vii)The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act was enacted in:
(a) 1949 (b) 1939 (c) 1959 (d) None of these
(viii)Who was appointed as the first Qadi by Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A.)?
(a) Hazrat All (R A.) (b) Hazrat Usman (R.A.) (c) Hazrat Umar (R.A.) (d) None of these
(ix)Who is the author of ‘Taudeh’:
(a) Taftazani (b) SadruShariat (c) Ahmed Ibne-Qasim (d) None of these
(x)A void bequest is:
(a) Contingent bequest (b) Bequest made to the child in womb born within six months None of these (c) Alternative bequest (d) None of these
(xi)Maa’ si’ at deals with:
(a) Torts (b) Crime (c) Sale (d) None of these
(xii) Under Islamic Law a child is legitimate if born after the dissolution of marriage and wife remaining unmarried:
(a) Within one year of the termination of marriage (b) Within 280 days of the termination of a marriage
(c) Within six months of the termination of marriage (d) None of these
(xiii) The limit of testamentary power by Muslim is:
(a) 1/8 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/5 (d) None of these
(xiv) A divorce by ILa means:
(a) False accusation of adultery by husband (b) Apostasy from Islam by husband
(c) An agreement between husband and wife to dissolve the marriage. (d) None of these
(xv) At the time when Islamic Law came into force the kinds of marriages were in vogue:
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) None of these
(xvi) Sadqa once completed by delivery is:
(a) Revocable (b) Not revocable (c) Revocable subject to condition (d) None of these (xvii) Ijtihad means:
(a) Consensus of opinion (b) A gathering of Mujtahids (c) Law-making (d) None of these (xviii Abu Yusuf, Muhammad, and Zufar were the pupils of:
(a) Imam Abu Hanifa (b) ImamShafi’i (c) Imam Malik (d) None of these
(xix) A collection of traditions known as ‘Musnadu’l Imam HambaT consists of traditions:
(a) 30,000 (b) 40,000 (c) 50,000 (d) None of these
(xx) The provision regarding polygamy under the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance is contained in Section:
(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) None of these
NOTE) PART-II is to attempt on a separate Answer
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks. _ (iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered,
Q.2. It was during the reign of the Abbasids that the four schools of law were founded. Write a comprehensive (20) note on the Hanafi school of thought with regard to the development of Islamic Jurisprudence.
Q .3. A Muslim marriage is a civil contract. Both the contracting parties have equal rights in rescinding a marriage contract. Discuss this in the light of both traditional Islamic law and Pakistani Law.
QC4. What do you understand by bigamous marriage? Explain it under classical Islamic law vis-a-vis Pakistani Law.
Q.5. “No bequest in favor of a legal heir.” Discuss this statement according to the various schools of Islamic Jurisprudence.
• Q.6. When and in what circumstances can a woman seek dissolution of her marriage? Discuss under the / Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939.
Q ^. The parliament in Pakistan can not be used for consensus of opinion. Do you agree? If not then give reasons.
Q.8. Write a note on each of the following: (5 x 4 = 20 )
(i) Iddat (ii) Death illness (iii) Khula (iv) Option of puberty
Muslim Law and Jurisprudence
Q: 1. Select the best option
(i) Who established a prison house for malefactors?
(a) Hazrat Umar
(b) Hazrat Abu Bakr
(c) Hazrat Usman
(d) Hazrat Ali
(ii) Who wrote the first book on law or usul?
(a) Abu Hanifa
(b) Imam Malik
(c) Imam Shafe’i
(d) None of these
(iii) Sale of dates on a tree in consideration for plucked dates is:
(a) Mulamassa
(b) Munabadha
(c) Muzabana
(d) None of these
(iv) A woman can be a Qazi according to:
(a) Malikies
(b) Hanafis
(c) Hanbalis
(d) None of these
(v) Plurality of wives is called:
(a) Bigamy
(b) Polygamy
(c) Polyandry
(d) None of these
(vi) The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance was enacted in:
(a) 1960
(b) 1959
(c) 1961
(d) None of these
(vii) The Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act was enacted in:
(a) 1949
(b) 1939
(c) 1959
(d) None of these
(viii) Who was appointed as the first Qazi by Hazrat Abu Bakr?
(a) Hazrat Ali
(b) Hazrat Usman
(c) Hazrat Umar
(d) None of these
(ix) Who is the author of Touch?
(a) Taftazani
(b) Sadru Sharuat
(c) Ahmad Ibn-e-Qasim
(d) None of these
(x) A void bequest is
(a) Contingent Bequest
(b) Made to a child born within six months
(c) Alternative Bequest
(d) None of these
(xi) Maa’ si’ at deals with:
(a) Torts
(b) Crime
(c) Sale
(d) None of these
(xii) Under Islamic Law a child is legitimate if born after the dissolution of marriage and the wife remaining unmarried
(a) Within one year of the termination of a marriage
(b) Within 280 days of the termination of a marriage
(c) Within six months of the termination of a marriage
(d) None of these
(xiii) The limit of testamentary power by Muslim is:
(a) 1/8
(b) 1/3
(c) 1/5
(d) None of these
(xiv) A divorce by ILa means:
(a) False accusation of adultery by the husband
(b) Apostacy by the husband from Islam
(c) An agreement between husband and wife to dissolve marriage
(d) None of these
(xv) At the time when Islamic Law came into force the kinds of marriage were in vogue:
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) No0ne of these
(xvi) Sadqa once completed by delivery is:
(a) Revocable
(b) Not revocable
(c) Revocable subject to the condition
(d) None of these
(xvii) Ijtihad means
(a)Consensus of opinion
(b) A gathering of Mujahidin
(c) Lawmaking
(d) None of these
(xviii) Abu Yusuf, Muhammad, and Zufar were the pupils of:
(a) Imam Abu Hanifa
(b) Imam Shafe’i
(c) Imam Malik
(d) None of these
(xix) A collection of traditions known as Musnad Imam Hanbal, consist of traditions:
(a) 30000
(b) 40000
(c) 50000
(d) None of these
(xx) The provisions regarding polygamy under the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance is :
(a) 4
(b) 7
(c) 6
(d) None of these